这事让我非常担心。我刚刚下载了iPhone 3.0 SDK,但现在我无法让我的配置文件工作。以下是我的尝试:

删除所有配置配置文件 删除登录keychain 创建新的“登录”钥匙链,使它 默认的 创建一个新的证书签名请求 创建新的开发人员和分销渠道 证书在苹果开发者中心 下载并安装它们 下载并安装WWDR证书 创建一个新的配置文件和 双击它来安装



我完全重新安装了Mac OS X,从一个新的安装安装了3.0 SDK,仍然有同样的问题。





c)选中相应的证书框(默认不勾选),选择正确的App ID(我的旧的已经过期了)



您的钥匙串缺少与您的 iPhone Developer或iPhone 发行证书。 您的钥匙链缺少苹果全球开发者关系 中级证书。 您的证书已被撤销或已过期。 在线证书状态协议(OCSP)或证书 撤销列表(CRL)被打开 钥匙串访问首选项




If you are now using a new machine and download the certificate from website: You can export the certificate from the old machine and then import on the new machine. If you share the developer account with someone: You ask the account owner to send you an invitation and become a team member of that account. Then you can create your own certificate from scratch. If you don't want to handle all these sh*t: Just revoke the certificate on website and delete the copy on your local machine. Then request a new one. This should be the ultimate way for solving such issue.


It is critical that you save your private key somewhere safe in the event that you need to develop on multiple computers or decide to reinstall your system OS. Without your private key, you will be unable to sign binaries in Xcode and test your application on any Apple device. When a CSR is generated, the Keychain Access application creates a private key on your login keychain. This private key is tied to your user account and cannot be reproduced if lost due to an OS reinstall. If you plan to do development and testing on multiple systems, you will need to import your private key onto all of the systems you’ll be doing work on.

To export your private key and certificate for safe-keeping and for enabling development on multiple systems, open up the Keychain Access Application and select the ‘Keys’ category. Control-Click on the private key associated with your iPhone Development Certificate and click ‘Export Items’ in the menu. The private key is identified by the iPhone Developer: public certificate that is paired with it. Save your key in the Personal Information Exchange (.p12) file format. You will be prompted to create a password which is used when you attempt to import this key on another computer. You can now transfer this .p12 file between systems. Double-click on the .p12 to install it on a system. You will be prompted for the password you entered in Step 4.


Xcode发射。 选择窗口- >组织者 点击这个刷新按钮,肮脏的黄色条将立即删除。



我发现我需要拖动distribution_identity。我从开发人员程序门户网站上的“Certificates -> Distribution”页面下载的cer文件到密钥链访问程序中,然后这个错误就消失了。




在使用助手创建新的证书请求后,按“在查找器中显示”,然后双击那个坏男孩。您应该会看到一个证书助手的弹出窗口,屏幕上显示“请指定颁发证书的颁发机构”等。如果你没有,只要关闭它,再次双击。 现在继续对话框选择 “从现有CA请求证书”-继续 请求已“保存到磁盘”-继续 保存在任何你喜欢的地方,甚至覆盖文件。

