App Engine是一个虚拟服务器。 计算引擎——它就像一个完整的服务器。
To run your application in GAE you just need to write your code and deploy it into GAE, no other headache. Since GAE is fully scalable, it will automatically acquire more instances in case the traffic goes higher and decrease the instances when traffic decreases. You will be charged for the resources you really use, I mean, you will be billed for the Instance-Hours, Transferred Data, Storage etc your app really used. But the restriction is, you can create your application in only Python, PHP, Java, NodeJS, .NET, Ruby and **Go.
更新:2014年3月谷歌在应用引擎下宣布了一项名为托管虚拟机的新服务。托管虚拟机在应用平台、CPU和内存选项上为应用引擎应用程序提供了更多的灵活性。像GCE一样,您可以在这些虚拟机中为应用程序引擎应用程序创建自定义运行时环境。实际上,App Engine的托管虚拟机在一定程度上模糊了IAAS和PAAS之间的界限。
在应用引擎中,你不需要管理任何底层软件的操作系统。你只需要上传代码(Java, PHP, Python或Go),瞧——它就会运行……
应用引擎节省了大量的头痛,特别是对于没有经验的人,但它有2个显著的缺点: 1. 更贵(但它有一个计算引擎没有的免费配额) 2. 您的控制更少,因此某些事情是不可能的,或者只能以一种特定的方式实现(例如保存和写入文件)。
Compute Engine: If you are do-it-yourself person or have an IT team and you just want to rent a computer on cloud that has specific OS (for example linux), you go for the Compute Engine. You have to do everything by yourself. App Engine: If you are (for example) a python programmer and you want to rent a pre-configured computer on cloud that has Linux with a running web-server and the latest python 3 with necessary modules and some plug-ins to integrate with other external services, you go for the App Engine. Serverless Container (Cloud Run): If you would like to deploy the exact image of your local setup environment (for example: python 3.7+flask+sklearn) but you do not want to deal with server, scaling, etc. You create a container on your local machine (through docker) and then deploy it to Google Run. Serverless Microservice (Cloud Functions): If you want to write bunch of APIs (functions) that do specific job, you go for google Cloud Functions. You just focus on those specific functions, the rest of the job (server, maintenance, scaling, etc.) is done for you in order to expose your functions as microservices.
就我个人而言,我发现谷歌Cloud Run是一个很棒的解决方案,在开发中绝对自由(只要是无状态的),将其作为web服务公开,docker您的解决方案,与Cloud Run一起部署。让谷歌成为你的IT和DevOps,你不需要关心扩展和维护。
谷歌计算引擎-> AWS EC2
谷歌应用程序引擎-> Heroku或AWS弹性豆茎
谷歌云函数-> AWS Lambda函数