为了理解配置文件中的所有设置,我花了不少功夫。 我不相信环境,但似乎你可以用它做惊人的事情。
前几天我发现微软推出了一个叫ASP的新东西。NET Web API。
为了理解配置文件中的所有设置,我花了不少功夫。 我不相信环境,但似乎你可以用它做惊人的事情。
前几天我发现微软推出了一个叫ASP的新东西。NET Web API。
对我们来说,WCF用于SOAP, Web API用于REST。我希望Web API也支持SOAP。我们没有使用WCF的高级特性。以下是来自MSDN的对比:
从使用WCF到现在,我发现WCF和Web API有很多不同之处。这两种技术栈都适用于不同的场景,所以不可能说哪个更好,这取决于配置和场景。
Properties ASP.Net Web API WCF
End point (mainly) Http based SOAP based
Service Type Front End Back-end
Support caching, compression, versioning No
Framework ASP.net WCF
Orientation Resource Oriented Service Oriented
Transports http http, tcp, MSMQ, Named pipe
Message pattern Request reply request Reply, one way, duplex
Configuration overhead Less Much
Security lesser than WCF (web standard security) Very high (WS-I standard)
Hosting IIS IIS, Windows Service, Self hosting
Performance Fast A bit slower than Web API
In use from .NET 4.0 .NET 3.5
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2015 Unleashed
Isbn-13: 978-0-672-33736-9 isbn-10: 0-672-33736-3
Before comparing the technologies of ASP.NET Web API and WCF, it is important to understand there are actually two styles/standards for creating web services: REST (Representational State Transfer) and SOAP/WSDL. The SOAP/WSDL was the original standard on which web services were built. However, it was difficult to use and had bulky message formats (like XML) that degraded performance. REST-based services quickly became the alternative. They are easier to write because they leverage the basic constructs of HTTP (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) and typically use smaller message formats (like JSON). As a result, REST-based HTTP services are now the standard for writing services that strictly target the Web.
让我们来定义ASP的目的。NET Web API
ASP.NET Web API is Microsoft’s technology for developing REST-based HTTP web services. (It long ago replaced Microsoft’s ASMX, which was based on SOAP/WSDL.) The Web API makes it easy to write robust services based on HTTP protocols that all browsers and native devices understand. This enables you to create services to support your application and call them from other web applications, tablets, mobile phones, PCs, and gaming consoles. The majority of applications written today to leverage the ever present Web connection use HTTP services in some way.
Communicating across the Internet is not always the most efficient means. For example, if both the client and the service exist on the same technology (or even the same machine), they can often negotiate a more efficient means to communicate (such as TCP/IP). Service developers found themselves making the same choices they were trying to avoid. They now would have to choose between creating efficient internal services and being able to have the broad access found over the Internet. And, if they had to support both, they might have to create multiple versions of their service or at least separate proxies for accessing their service. This is the problem Microsoft solved with WCF.
With WCF, you can create your service without concern for boundaries. You can then let WCF worry about running your service in the most efficient way, depending on the calling client. To manage this task, WCF uses the concept of endpoints. Your service might have multiple endpoints (configured at design time or after deployment). Each endpoint indicates how the service might support a calling client: over the Web, via remoting, through Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ), and more. WCF enables you to focus on creating your service functionality. It worries about how to most efficiently speak with calling clients. In this way, a single WCF service can efficiently support many different client types.
The customer data is shared among the applications. Each application might be written on a different platform, and it might exist in a different location. You can extract the customer interface into a WCF service that provides common access to shared customer data. This centralizes the data, reduces duplication, eliminates synchronization, and simplifies management. In addition, by using WCF, you can configure the service endpoints to work in the way that makes sense to the calling client. Figure shows the example from before with centralized access of customer data in a WCF service.
i)何时选择Web API:
不可否认,基于rest的HTTP服务,如使用ASP。NET Web API已经成为构建Web服务的标准。这些服务为web开发人员构建服务提供了一种简单、直接的方法。Web开发人员理解HTTP GET和POST,因此能够很好地适应这些类型的服务。因此,如果您正在编写严格针对HTTP的服务,ASP。NET Web API是合乎逻辑的选择。
当您需要支持基于不同协议和消息格式的多个服务端点时,WCF技术非常有用。Microsoft BizTalk等产品利用WCF创建健壮的服务,这些服务也可以通过不同的机器对机器配置在Web上使用。但是,如果您确实需要编写一个应用程序,在连接到本地网络时通过TCP/IP通信,在网络外时通过HTTP工作,那么WCF就是您的答案。
Web开发人员通常认为WCF开发起来更加困难和复杂。因此,如果您没有预见到多协议服务的需求,您可能会坚持使用ASP。NET Web API。
使用wcf,我们可以为多个端点(如tcp、http)配置和公开相同的服务支持。如果你想让你的服务只基于http,那么最好使用web API。与wcf相比,Web API的配置非常少,比wcf快一点。Wcf还支持restful服务。如果你有。net framework 3.5的限制,那么你可以选择wcf。
对我们来说,WCF用于SOAP, Web API用于REST。我希望Web API也支持SOAP。我们没有使用WCF的高级特性。以下是来自MSDN的对比:
ASP.net Web API是基于HTTP和REST的GET,POST,PUT,DELETE,熟悉ASP.net MVC风格的编程和JSON可返回;web API适用于所有轻量级进程和纯基于HTTP的组件。对于使用WCF的人来说,即使是简单或最简单的单个web服务,它也会带来所有额外的负担。对于ajax或动态调用的轻量级简单服务,WebApi总是能解决这一需求。这是对ASP.net MVC的补充或帮助。
查看播客:Hanselminutes播客264 -这不是你父亲的WCF -由Scott Hanselman与Glenn Block一起介绍WebAPI以获取更多信息。