So, now I've set up an Apache server with mod_wsgi, and my test site is running fine. However, I'd like to speed up the development routine by making the site automatically reload upon any changes in py or template files I make. I see that any changes in site's .wsgi file causes reloading (even without WSGIScriptReloading On in the apache config file), but I still have to prod it manually (ie, insert extra linebreak, save). Is there some way how to cause reload when I edit some of the app's py files? Or, I am expected to use IDE that refreshes the .wsgi file for me?
如果你正在使用uwsgi运行,看看python的auto reload选项:
uwsgi --py-autoreload 1
socket =
master = true
virtualenv = /Users/xxxx/.virtualenvs/sites_env
chdir = /Users/xxx/site_root
module = site_module:register_debug_server()
callable = app
uid = myuser
chmod-socket = 660
log-date = true
workers = 1
py-autoreload = 1
site_root / __init__ . py
def register_debug_server():
from werkzeug.debug import DebuggedApplication
app = Flask(__name__)
app.debug = True
app = DebuggedApplication(app, evalex=True)
return app
uwsgi --ini uwsgi-dev-example.ini
在开启调试模式的情况下运行flask Run CLI命令,将自动启用reloader。从Flask 2.2开始,你可以在命令行上传递——app和——debug选项。
$ flask --app main.py --debug run
$ flask run --help
在Flask 2.2之前,您需要设置FLASK_APP和FLASK_ENV=开发环境变量。
$ export FLASK_APP=main.py
$ export FLASK_ENV=development
$ flask run
在Flask 2.2中仍然可以设置FLASK_APP和FLASK_DEBUG=1。