So, now I've set up an Apache server with mod_wsgi, and my test site is running fine. However, I'd like to speed up the development routine by making the site automatically reload upon any changes in py or template files I make. I see that any changes in site's .wsgi file causes reloading (even without WSGIScriptReloading On in the apache config file), but I still have to prod it manually (ie, insert extra linebreak, save). Is there some way how to cause reload when I edit some of the app's py files? Or, I am expected to use IDE that refreshes the .wsgi file for me?
如果你正在使用uwsgi运行,看看python的auto reload选项:
uwsgi --py-autoreload 1
socket =
master = true
virtualenv = /Users/xxxx/.virtualenvs/sites_env
chdir = /Users/xxx/site_root
module = site_module:register_debug_server()
callable = app
uid = myuser
chmod-socket = 660
log-date = true
workers = 1
py-autoreload = 1
site_root / __init__ . py
def register_debug_server():
from werkzeug.debug import DebuggedApplication
app = Flask(__name__)
app.debug = True
app = DebuggedApplication(app, evalex=True)
return app
uwsgi --ini uwsgi-dev-example.ini
I believe a better solution is to set the app configuration. For me, I built the tool and then pushed it to a development server where I had to set up a WSGI pipeline to manage the flask web app. I had some data being updated to a template and I wanted it to refresh every X minutes (WSGI deployment for the Flask site through APACHE2 on UBUNTU 18). In your app.py or whatever your main app is, add app.config.update dictionary below and mark TEMPLATES_AUTO_RELOAD=True, you will find that any templates that are automatically updated on the server will be reflected in the browser. There is some great documentation on the Flask site for configuration handling found here.
app = Flask(__name__)