// without duration reporting
const doSomethingThatMayTakeAWhile = async (someArg: string, anotherArg: number) => {
/** your logic goes here */
// with duration reporting
const doSomethingThatMayTakeAWhileWithReporting = withDurationReporting(
// note: you can define the function with duration reporting directly, too
const doSomethingThatMayTakeAWhile = withDurationReporting(
async (someArg: string, anotherArg: number) => {
/** your logic goes here */
import { hrtime } from 'process';
const roundToHundredths = (num: number) => Math.round(num * 100) / 100; // https://stackoverflow.com/a/14968691/3068233
* a wrapper which reports how long it took to execute a function, after the function completes
export const withDurationReporting = <R extends any, T extends (...args: any[]) => Promise<R>>(
title: string,
logic: T,
options: {
reportingThresholdSeconds: number;
logMethod: (message: string, metadata?: Record<string, any>) => void;
} = {
reportingThresholdSeconds: 1, // report on anything that takes more than 1 second, by default
logMethod: console.log, // log with `console.log` by default
) => {
return (async (...args: Parameters<T>): Promise<R> => {
const startTimeInNanoseconds = hrtime.bigint();
const result = await logic(...args);
const endTimeInNanoseconds = hrtime.bigint();
const durationInNanoseconds = endTimeInNanoseconds - startTimeInNanoseconds;
const durationInSeconds = roundToHundredths(Number(durationInNanoseconds) / 1e9); // https://stackoverflow.com/a/53970656/3068233
if (durationInSeconds >= options.reportingThresholdSeconds)
options.logMethod(`${title} took ${durationInSeconds} seconds to execute`, { title, durationInSeconds });
return result;
}) as T;