MIDI是一连串的“事件”(或“信息”),其中最基本的两个是“开启”和“关闭”,它们都带有音符号(0 = C中C低5个八度,到127 = G中C以上G高5个八度,为半音)。这些事件在速度敏感(“触摸敏感”)的键盘上携带一个“速度”数字,其力度(你猜对了)在0到127之间。
Between velocity, chording, and the pedals, I'd think you could come up with quite a good "typing" interface for the piano keyboard. Chording in particular could be a very powerful technique — as I mentioned in the comments, it's why rank-and-file stenographers can use a stenotype machine to keep up with people talking for hours in a row, when even top-flight typists wouldn't be able to for any length of time via normal typewriter-style keyboards. As with machine stenography, you'd need a "dictionary" of the meanings of chords and sequences of chords. (Can you tell I used to work in the software side of machine stenography?)
接收MIDI输入。不要尝试自己去做,使用一个库。编辑:显然,Java Sound API支持MIDI,包括从MIDI控制器接收事件。酷。本页也可能有用。 将数据转换为你想要发送的击键,例如通过我上面提到的字典。 输出击键到计算机。
However, since you're just generating keystrokes (not trying to intercept them, which I was trying to do years ago), you may be able to use whatever features the operating system has for sending artificial keystrokes. Windows has an interface for doing that (probably several, the one I'm thinking of is SendInput but I know there's some "journal" interface that does something similar), and I'm sure other operating systems do as well. That may well be sufficient for your purposes — it's where I'd start, because the device driver route is going to be awkward and you'd probably have to use a different language for it than Java. (I'm a big fan of Java, but the interfaces that operating systems use to talk to device drivers tend to be more easily consumed via C and similar.)
In machine stenography, the stenographer writes by pressing multiple keys on the stenotype machine at the same time, then releasing them all. They call this a "stroke" of the keyboard; it's like playing a chord on the piano. Strokes frequently (but not always) correspond to a syllable of spoken language. Like syllables, sometimes one stroke (chord) has meaning all on its own, other times it only has meaning combined with following strokes. (Think "good" vs. "good" followed by "bye"). Although they'll be heavily influenced by the school at which they studied, each stenographer will have their own "dictionary" of what strokes they use to mean what, a dictionary they will continuously hone over the course of their working lives. The dictionary will have entries where the stenographic part ("steno", for short) is one stroke long, or multiple strokes long. Frequently, there will be several entries with the same starting stroke which are differentiated by their length and by the subsequent strokes. For instance (and I won't use real steno here, just placeholders), there may be these entries:
A = alpha A/B = alphabet A/B/C = alphabetic A/C = air conditioning B = bee B/C = because C = sea D = dog D/D = Dee Dee
Also note that (although not shown in the very small sample above), there may be multiple ways to "play" the same word or phrase, rather than just one. Stenographers do that to make it easier to flow from a preceding word to the next depending on hand position. There's an obvious analogy to music there, and you could use that to make your typing flow more akin to playing music, in order to both prevent this from negatively affecting your piano playing and to maximize the likelihood of this actually helping with the RSI.
When translating steno into standard text, again we use a "longest-prefix match" search: The translation algorithm starts with the first stroke ever written, and looks for entries starting with that stroke. If there is only one entry, and it's one stroke long, then we can reliably say "that's the entry to use", output the corresponding text, and then start fresh with the next stroke. But more likely, that stroke starts multiple entries of varying lengths. So we look at the next stroke and see if there are entries that start with those two strokes in order; and so on until we get a match.
A is the start of three entries of varying lengths; look at next stroke: C A/C matches only one entry; output "air conditioning" and start fresh with next stroke: B B starts two entries; look at next stroke: B B/B doesn't start anything; take the longest previous match (B) and output that ("bee") Having output B = "bee", we still have a B stroke in our buffer. It starts two entries, so look at the next stroke: C B/C matches one entry; output "because" and start fresh with the next stroke: A A starts three entries; look at the next stroke: B A/B starts two entries; look at the next stroke: C A/B/C only matches one entry; output "alphabetic" and start fresh with the next stroke: A A starts three entries; look at next stroke: B A/B starts two entries; look at next stroke: D A/B/D doesn't match anything, so take the longest previous match (A/B) and use it to output "alphabet". That leaves us with D still in the buffer. D starts two entries, so we would normally look at the next stroke — but we've processed all the strokes, so consider it in isolation. In isolation, it translates as "dog" so output that.
You have a buffer of strokes you've read but haven't translated yet. You always want to match the most strokes against a single entry that you can. A/B should be translated as "alphabet", not "alpha" and "bee". (Not shown above) You may well have sequences of strokes that you can't translate, because they don't match anything in the dictionary. (Steno people use the noun "untranslate" -- e.g., with our dictionary, the strokes E would be an "untranslate".) (Not shown above) Some theories of steno allow the same set of strokes to mean more than one thing, based on a broader context. Steno people call these "conflicts". You probably want to disallow them in your project, and in fact when steno used to be translated manually by the stenographer, conflicts were fine because they'd know just by where in the sentence they were what the right choice was, but with the rise of machine translation, conflict-free theories of steno arose specifically to avoid having to go through the resulting translated text and "fix" conflicts. Translating in real time (which you'd be doing) means that if you receive a partial match, you'll want to hold onto it while waiting for the next chord — but probably only up to a timeout, at which point you'd translate what you have in the buffer as best you can. (Or maybe you don't want a timeout; it's your call.) Probably best to have a stroke that says "disregard the previous stroke" Probably best to have a stroke that says "completely clear the buffer without outputting anything"
我假设你用的是Windows,不过我不确定。我已经用普通的c++编写了一个MIDI排序器http://pianocheetah.com,它允许您使用钢琴键盘来运行命令。没有任何理由你不能做同样的事情来按键 进入键盘输入流。
但是现在来吧。你记得你花了多长时间来学习 首先是键盘,对吧? 你愿意再经历一次吗? 你愿意让你的键盘被污染吗 上面全是一堆愚蠢的关键符号?
你至少要用26个字母,10个数字,11个标点符号, 以及至少12个功能键及其移位状态。 所以有60个键加上移位的状态。 那会消耗掉整整5个八度的音阶。 你会一直做钢琴“跳”。 向触摸打字说再见。
你可能避免了肢体劳损,但你已经制造了另一种劳损 对你自己来说是不同类型的噩梦。
如果你真的学会了弹钢琴,你就学会了 如何释放压力。用QWERTY键盘。 没有紧张。开始缓慢。
在Linux中,通过使用为多媒体艺术家设计的图形化编程语言“Pure Data”以及Alex Andre设计的x11key外部代码,可以很快地实现这一点。
在Mac上,你可以使用MidiStroke。我相信Windows上的一个方法是使用MidiOx和AutoHotKey工具。还有一次,我有一个使用Java插件的Max/MSP版本。我相信Patrice Colet为Pure Data做了一个外部窗口,效果也很好,但我似乎再也找不到它了。此外,MaxMSP还有一个外部组件,可以在Windows上执行此操作。最后,这个非免费但很棒的Osculator可以做你想做的事情-请参阅功能页面。
您可以在MIDI DotNet中使用。net中的源代码示例访问硬件。
创建MIDI notes数据流的完整工作示例是在VB 5/6-Tipp 0521中:MIDI-Töne erzeugen (Visual Basic 6.0,某处是.NET版本)
一种模拟键盘敲击的方法是在VB 5/6-Tipp 0155: Tastaturereignisse simulieren (Visual Basic 6.0,某处是.NET版本)
和识别击键在tip - upload: VB中有描述。NET 0266: Globaler KeyHook。
在钢琴上,如果你是一个优秀的演奏者,你可以有10个手指在键盘上,如果矩阵是可用的,我认为你可以比任何电脑键盘用户更快。: -)
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