c#和Java(以及其他很多语言)有很多类型,有些“溢出”行为我一点也不喜欢(例如type。MaxValue +类型。SmallestValue ==类型。MinValue,例如int。MaxValue + 1 = int.MinValue)。
但是,鉴于我的邪恶本性,我将通过将此行为扩展为重写DateTime类型来对这种伤害进行侮辱。(我知道DateTime在. net中是密封的,但为了这个例子,我使用了一种与c#完全相似的伪语言,除了DateTime没有密封之外)。
/// <summary>
/// Increments this date with a timespan, but loops when
/// the maximum value for datetime is exceeded.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ts">The timespan to (try to) add</param>
/// <returns>The Date, incremented with the given timespan.
/// If DateTime.MaxValue is exceeded, the sum wil 'overflow' and
/// continue from DateTime.MinValue.
/// </returns>
public DateTime override Add(TimeSpan ts)
return base.Add(ts);
catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException nb)
// calculate how much the MaxValue is exceeded
// regular program flow
TimeSpan saldo = ts - (base.MaxValue - this);
return DateTime.MinValue.Add(saldo)
catch(Exception anyOther)
// 'real' exception handling.
Have the method examine the stack frame to determine the call site, and use the metadata for the call site to find either information about a try block within the calling method, or the location where the calling method stored the address of its caller; in the latter situation, examine metadata for the caller's caller to determine in the same fashion as the immediate caller, repeating until one finds a try block or the stack is empty. This approach adds very little overhead to the no-exception case (it does preclude some optimizations) but is expensive when an exception occurs.
Have the method return a "hidden" flag which distinguishes a normal return from an exception, and have the caller check that flag and branch to an "exception" routine if it's set. This routine adds 1-2 instructions to the no-exception case, but relatively little overhead when an exception occurs.
Have the caller place exception-handling information or code at a fixed address relative to the stacked return address. For example, with the ARM, instead of using the instruction "BL subroutine", one could use the sequence:
adr lr,next_instr
b subroutine
b handle_exception
要正常退出,子例程只需执行bx lr或pop {pc};在异常退出的情况下,子例程将在执行返回之前从LR中减去4,或者使用sub LR,#4,pc(取决于ARM的变化,执行模式等)。如果调用者没有被设计为适应它,这种方法将会非常严重地故障。
A language or framework which uses checked exceptions might benefit from having those handled with a mechanism like #2 or #3 above, while unchecked exceptions are handled using #1. Although the implementation of checked exceptions in Java is rather nuisancesome, they would not be a bad concept if there were a means by which a call site could say, essentially, "This method is declared as throwing XX, but I don't expect it ever to do so; if it does, rethrow as an "unchecked" exception. In a framework where checked exceptions were handled in such fashion, they could be an effective means of flow control for things like parsing methods which in some contexts may have a high likelihood of failure, but where failure should return fundamentally different information than success. I'm unaware of any frameworks that use such a pattern, however. Instead, the more common pattern is to use the first approach above (minimal cost for the no-exception case, but high cost when exceptions are thrown) for all exceptions.
它解释了在jOOQ (Java的SQL抽象库)内部,当满足某些“罕见”条件时,如何偶尔使用这种异常来提前中止SQL呈现过程。
Too many bind values are encountered. Some databases do not support arbitrary numbers of bind values in their SQL statements (SQLite: 999, Ingres 10.1.0: 1024, Sybase ASE 15.5: 2000, SQL Server 2008: 2100). In those cases, jOOQ aborts the SQL rendering phase and re-renders the SQL statement with inlined bind values. Example:
// Pseudo-code attaching a "handler" that will
// abort query rendering once the maximum number
// of bind values was exceeded:
String sql;
try {
// In most cases, this will succeed:
sql = query.render();
catch (ReRenderWithInlinedVariables e) {
sql = query.renderWithInlinedBindValues();
If we explicitly extracted the bind values from the query AST to count them every time, we'd waste valuable CPU cycles for those 99.9% of the queries that don't suffer from this problem.
Some logic is available only indirectly via an API that we want to execute only "partially". The UpdatableRecord.store() method generates an INSERT or UPDATE statement, depending on the Record's internal flags. From the "outside", we don't know what kind of logic is contained in store() (e.g. optimistic locking, event listener handling, etc.) so we don't want to repeat that logic when we store several records in a batch statement, where we'd like to have store() only generate the SQL statement, not actually execute it. Example:
// Pseudo-code attaching a "handler" that will
// prevent query execution and throw exceptions
// instead:
// Collect the SQL for every store operation
for (int i = 0; i < records.length; i++) {
try {
// The attached handler will result in this
// exception being thrown rather than actually
// storing records to the database
catch (QueryCollectorException e) {
// The exception is thrown after the rendered
// SQL statement is available
If we had externalised the store() logic into "re-usable" API that can be customised to optionally not execute the SQL, we'd be looking into creating a rather hard to maintain, hardly re-usable API.
从本质上讲,我们对这些非本地goto的使用就像[Mason Wheeler][5]在他的回答中所说的那样:
但是对于未来的维护者来说,这种感觉还是有点令人惊讶。代码感觉相当微妙,虽然在这种情况下这是正确的选择,但我们总是不喜欢在本地控制流中使用异常,因为在本地控制流中很容易避免使用普通的if - else分支。
Josh Bloch在《Effective Java》中广泛地讨论了这个主题。他的建议很有启发性,也适用于。net(细节除外)。
* Adds two positive numbers.
* @param addend1 greater than zero
* @param addend2 greater than zero
* @throws AdditionException if addend1 or addend2 is less than or equal to zero
int addPositiveNumbers(int addend1, int addend2) throws AdditionException{
if( addend1 <= 0 ){
throw new AdditionException("addend1 is <= 0");
else if( addend2 <= 0 ){
throw new AdditionException("addend2 is <= 0");
return addend1 + addend2;
* Adds two positive numbers.
* @param addend1 greater than zero
* @param addend2 greater than zero
public int addPositiveNumbers(int addend1, int addend2) {
if( addend1 <= 0 ){
throw new IllegalArgumentException("addend1 is <= 0");
else if( addend2 <= 0 ){
throw new IllegalArgumentException("addend2 is <= 0");
return addend1 + addend2;