I suppose this is a strange question to the huge majority of programmers that work daily with Java. I don't. I know Java-the-language, because I worked on Java projects, but not Java-the-world. I never made a web app from scratch in Java. If I have to do it with Python, Ruby, I know where to go (Django or Rails), but if I want to make a web application in Clojure, not because I'm forced to live in a Java world, but because I like the language and I want to give it a try, what libraries and frameworks should I use?
Compojure is no longer a complete framework for developing web applications. Since the 0.4 release, compojure has been broken off into several projects. Ring provides the foundation by abstracting away the HTTP request and response process. Ring will parse the incoming request and generate a map containing all of the parts of the request such as uri, server-name and request-method. The application will then handle the request and based on the request generate a response. A response is represented as a map containing the following keys: status, headers, and body. So a simple application would look like:
(def app [req]
(if (= "/home" (:uri req))
{:status 200
:body "<h3>Welcome Home</h3>"}
{:status 200
:body "<a href='/home'>Go Home!</a>"}))
One other part of Ring is the concept of middle-ware. This is code that sits between the handler and the incoming request and/or the outgoing response. Some built in middle-ware include sessions and stacktrace. The session middle-ware will add a :session key to the request map that contains all of the session info for the user making the request. If the :session key is present in the response map, it will be stored for the next request made by the current user. While the stack trace middle-ware will capture any exceptions that occur while processing the request and generate a stack trace that is sent back as the response if any exceptions do occur.
(defroutes my-routes
(GET "/" [] "<h1>Hello all!</h1>")
(GET "/user/:id" [id] (str "<h1>Hello " id "</h1>")))
(defroutes my-routes
(GET "*" {uri :uri}
{:staus 200 :body (str "The uri of the current page is: " uri)}))
最后一个组件是Hiccup,它使生成html更容易。各种html标记被表示为向量,第一个元素表示标记名,其余元素是标记体。"<h2>A header</h2>"变为[:h2 "A header "]。标记的属性位于可选映射中。"<a href='/login'>登录页面</a>"变为[:a {:href "/login"} "登录页面"]。下面是一个使用模板生成html的小示例。
(defn layout [title & body]
[:head [:title title]]
[:body [:h1.header title] body]))
(defn say-hello [name]
(layout "Welcome Page" [:h3 (str "Hello " name)]))
(defn hiccup-routes
(GET "/user/:name" [name] (say-hello name)))
这里是compojure作者目前正在编写的一些文档的草稿的链接,您可能会发现这些文档很有用:compojure Doc
我将对来自@weavejester (Compojure和Ring的维护者)的pipe发表我的意见。
Excellent philosophical foundation: it encourages you to build your app as a series of small components, and it strikes a nice balance between holding few opinions while providing sane defaults. Stable path: I speak for myself, but over the years I've felt that the Clojure community has presented one less-than-credible web framework after another. A couple simply felt too experimental (my experience with Om and client-side Pedestal) for "getting things done" (not that they won't prove superior down the road). On the other hand, I feel like @weavejester has brought the same stability and measured progress to Duct that he did to Compojure and Ring, which have been superbly born out in the community. It's super lightweight, and out of the way of my components.
通过“端点”组织路由,你可以把这些小组件想象成迷你web服务器(或者,HTTP路由的小截面)。 重新加载工作流的开箱即用支持。 与Ring和Compojure完美集成。 开发和生产配置(这是我在其他地方发现的明显缺失的部分)。 带有示例的良好文档。
到目前为止,我所遇到的最好的Clojure web框架是Compojure: http://github.com/weavejester/compojure/tree/master
它很小,但功能强大,并且具有漂亮优雅的语法。(它在底层使用Jetty,但它对您隐藏了Servlet API,除非您需要它,但这种情况不会经常发生)。去看看那个URL的README,然后下载一个快照并开始播放。
Webjure, Clojure的web编程框架。
Compojure是我用来创建一个小型博客应用程序的工具。它以Sinatra为蓝本,Sinatra是一个最小的、轻量级的Ruby web框架。我主要使用的是路由,就像Sinatra的一样。它看起来是这样的:
(GET "/post/:id/:slug"
(some-function-that-returns-html :id :slug))