

// Copy the event delegate before checking/calling
EventHandler copy = TheEvent;

if (copy != null)
    copy(this, EventArgs.Empty); // Call any handlers on the copied list

更新:我认为从阅读优化,这可能也需要事件成员是volatile,但Jon Skeet在他的回答中说,CLR不会优化掉副本。


// Better delist from event - don't want our handler called from now on:
otherObject.TheEvent -= OnTheEvent;
// Good, now we can be certain that OnTheEvent will not run...


// Copy the event delegate before checking/calling
EventHandler copy = TheEvent;

// Better delist from event - don't want our handler called from now on:
otherObject.TheEvent -= OnTheEvent;    
// Good, now we can be certain that OnTheEvent will not run...

if (copy != null)
    copy(this, EventArgs.Empty); // Call any handlers on the copied list


So is this Cargo Cult Programming? It seems that way - a lot of people must be taking this step to protect their code from multiple threads, when in reality it seems to me that events require much more care than this before they can be used as part of a multi-threaded design. Consequently, people who are not taking that additional care might as well ignore this advice - it simply isn't an issue for single-threaded programs, and in fact, given the absence of volatile in most online example code, the advice may be having no effect at all.

(在成员声明中分配空委托{}不是更简单吗,这样你就永远不需要在第一时间检查null ?)

Updated: In case it wasn't clear, I did grasp the intention of the advice - to avoid a null reference exception under all circumstances. My point is that this particular null reference exception can only occur if another thread is delisting from the event, and the only reason for doing that is to ensure that no further calls will be received via that event, which clearly is NOT achieved by this technique. You'd be concealing a race condition - it would be better to reveal it! That null exception helps to detect an abuse of your component. If you want your component to be protected from abuse, you could follow the example of WPF - store the thread ID in your constructor and then throw an exception if another thread tries to interact directly with your component. Or else implement a truly thread-safe component (not an easy task).


针对Eric Lippert博客文章的更新:



所以我的问题剩下的一个片段是,为什么显式空检查是“标准模式”?另一种方法,分配空委托,只需要将= delegate{}添加到事件声明中,这就消除了每个引发事件的地方的那些臭仪式。可以很容易地确保实例化空委托的成本很低。还是我还遗漏了什么?

当然,就像Jon Skeet所建议的那样,这只是。net 1。X条没有消失的建议,就像它在2005年应该消失的那样?


从c# 6开始,这个问题的答案是:

SomeEvent?.Invoke(this, e);




With this in mind, a solution is to say "well, zero subscribers is represented by null." Then simply perform the null check before performing your expensive operation. I suppose another way of doing this would have been to have a Count property on the Delegate type, so you'd only perform the expensive operation if myDelegate.Count > 0. Using a Count property is a somewhat nice pattern that solves the original problem of allowing optimization, and it also has the nice property of being able to be invoked without causing a NullReferenceException.











Honestly, I think the Delegate class is unsalvageable. The merger/transition to a MulticastDelegate was a huge mistake, because it effectively changed the (useful) definition of an event from something that happens at a single instant in time, to something that happens over a timespan. Such a change requires a synchronization mechanism that can logically collapse it back into a single instant, but the MulticastDelegate lacks any such mechanism. Synchronization should encompass the entire timespan or instant the event takes place, so that once an application makes the synchronized decision to begin handling an event, it finishes handling it completely (transactionally). With the black box that is the MulticastDelegate/Delegate hybrid class, this is near impossible, so adhere to using a single-subscriber and/or implement your own kind of MulticastDelegate that has a synchronization handle that can be taken out while the handler chain is being used/modified. I'm recommending this, because the alternative would be to implement synchronization/transactional-integrity redundantly in all your handlers, which would be ridiculously/unnecessarily complex.




构造空委托的开销。 构建包含它的委托链的成本。 每次引发事件时调用无意义委托的成本。



Executing 50000000 iterations . . .
OnNonThreadSafeEvent took:      432ms
OnClassicNullCheckedEvent took: 490ms
OnPreInitializedEvent took:     614ms <--
Subscribing an empty delegate to each event . . .
Executing 50000000 iterations . . .
OnNonThreadSafeEvent took:      674ms
OnClassicNullCheckedEvent took: 674ms
OnPreInitializedEvent took:     2041ms <--
Subscribing another empty delegate to each event . . .
Executing 50000000 iterations . . .
OnNonThreadSafeEvent took:      2011ms
OnClassicNullCheckedEvent took: 2061ms
OnPreInitializedEvent took:     2246ms <--









根据Jeffrey Richter在《CLR via c#》一书中的说法,正确的方法是:

// Copy a reference to the delegate field now into a temporary field for thread safety
EventHandler<EventArgs> temp =
Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref NewMail, null, null);
// If any methods registered interest with our event, notify them
if (temp != null) temp(this, e);

因为它强制引用副本。 有关更多信息,请参阅本书中的事件部分。