


如果服务器不区分大小写,可能会出现问题 似乎在查询字符串键(http://api.example.com?**searchQuery**=…)中有相当广泛的使用,但在其他URI部分中没有


比其他选择更具美感 似乎在URI的路径部分被广泛使用 从来没有见过连字符的查询字符串键在野外 可能对搜索引擎优化更好(这可能是一个神话)


编程语言可能更容易处理 一些流行的api (Facebook, Netflix, StackExchange等)在URI的所有部分都使用下划线。







连字符最大的危险是同一字符(通常)也用于减法和数字否定(即。负或负)。 在URL组件中使用连字符感觉很尴尬。它们似乎只在URL的末尾用于分隔文章标题中的单词才有意义。或者,例如,Stack Overflow问题的标题被添加到URL的末尾,用于SEO和用户清晰的目的。


Again, they feel wrong in URL components. They break up the flow (and beauty/simplicity) of a URL, since they essentially add a big, heavy apparent space in the middle of a clean, flowing URL. They tend to blend in with underlines. If you expect your users to copy-paste your URLs into MS Word or other similar text-editing programs, or anywhere else that might pick up on a URL and style it with an underline (like links traditionally are), then you might want to avoid underscores as word separators. Particularly when printed, an underlined URL with underscores tends to look like it has spaces in it instead of underscores.


By far my favorite, since it makes the URLs seem to flow better and doesn't have any of the faults that the previous two options do. Can be slightly harder to read for people that have a hard time differentiating upper-case from lower-case, but this shouldn't be much of an issue in a URL, because most "words" should be URL components and separated by a / anyways. If you find that you have a URL component that is more than 2 "words" long, you should probably try to find a better name for that concept. It does have a possible issue with case sensitivity, but most platforms can be adjusted to be either case-sensitive or case-insensitive. Any it's only really an issue for 2 cases: a.) humans typing the URL in, and b.) Programmers (since we are not human) typing the URL in. Typos are always a problem, regardless of case sensitivity, so this is no different that all one case.







连字符最大的危险是同一字符(通常)也用于减法和数字否定(即。负或负)。 在URL组件中使用连字符感觉很尴尬。它们似乎只在URL的末尾用于分隔文章标题中的单词才有意义。或者,例如,Stack Overflow问题的标题被添加到URL的末尾,用于SEO和用户清晰的目的。


Again, they feel wrong in URL components. They break up the flow (and beauty/simplicity) of a URL, since they essentially add a big, heavy apparent space in the middle of a clean, flowing URL. They tend to blend in with underlines. If you expect your users to copy-paste your URLs into MS Word or other similar text-editing programs, or anywhere else that might pick up on a URL and style it with an underline (like links traditionally are), then you might want to avoid underscores as word separators. Particularly when printed, an underlined URL with underscores tends to look like it has spaces in it instead of underscores.


By far my favorite, since it makes the URLs seem to flow better and doesn't have any of the faults that the previous two options do. Can be slightly harder to read for people that have a hard time differentiating upper-case from lower-case, but this shouldn't be much of an issue in a URL, because most "words" should be URL components and separated by a / anyways. If you find that you have a URL component that is more than 2 "words" long, you should probably try to find a better name for that concept. It does have a possible issue with case sensitivity, but most platforms can be adjusted to be either case-sensitive or case-insensitive. Any it's only really an issue for 2 cases: a.) humans typing the URL in, and b.) Programmers (since we are not human) typing the URL in. Typos are always a problem, regardless of case sensitivity, so this is no different that all one case.

建议使用脊壳(突出显示为 RFC3986),这个案例被谷歌,PayPal,和其他大 公司。





我公司的API有类似/quotationrequests/, /purchaseorders/等uri。 尽管你说这是一个内部网应用,但你把搜索引擎优化列为一个好处。谷歌在查询?q=foo+bar时匹配URL中的/foobar/模式 我真的希望您不要考虑像@ServAce85所建议的那样,对用户传递到地址栏的任意字符串执行PHP调用!

REST api的标准最佳实践是使用连字符,而不是骆驼字或下划线。

这来自Mark Masse的Oreilly的“REST API设计规则手册”。

另外,请注意Stack Overflow本身在URL中使用连字符:…/连字符下划线-or-camelcase-as-word- delimator - In -uri
