`column1` ,
#1071 - Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes
column1 varchar(20) utf8_general_ci
column2 varchar(500) utf8_general_ci
#1071 - Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes
情况:CentOS 7服务器运行Plesk Obsidian 18.0.37和MariaDB 5.5。我试图从运行MariaDB 10.1的服务器导入MySQL转储。
解决方案:从MariaDB 5.5升级到10.6。
mysqldump -u admin -p`cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow` --all-databases --routines --triggers > /root/all-databases.sql
systemctl stop mariadb
cp -a /var/lib/mysql/ /var/lib/mysql_backup
Configure MariaDB repositories according to the official guide
Make sure you meet Plesk's minimum version requirements detailed here
yum install MariaDB-client MariaDB-server MariaDB-compat MariaDB-shared
systemctl start mariadb
In my case, the server failed to start here with an error: "Can't start server: Bind on TCP/IP port. Got error: 22: Invalid argument".
The fix was to replace bind-address as follows in /etc/my.cnf and re-run the command:
# OLD (broken)
#bind-address = ::ffff:
bind-address =
MYSQL_PWD=`cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow` mysql_upgrade -uadmin
plesk sbin packagemng -sdf
rm -f /etc/init.d/mysql
systemctl daemon-reload
Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes
You got that message because 1 byte equals 1 character only if you use the latin-1 character set. If you use utf8, each character will be considered 3 bytes when defining your key column. If you use utf8mb4, each character will be considered to be 4 bytes when defining your key column. Thus, you need to multiply your key field's character limit by, 1, 3, or 4 (in my example) to determine the number of bytes the key field is trying to allow. If you are using uft8mb4, you can only define 191 characters for a native, InnoDB, primary key field. Just don't breach 767 bytes.