你最喜欢的Visual Studio快捷键是什么?我总是把我的手放在键盘上,远离鼠标!



Ctrl + X




   Ctrl+K, Ctrl+D

On an aspx page, this takes care of properly indenting all of your markup and ensures that everything is XHTML compliant (adds quotes to attributes, corrects capitalization, closes self-closing tags). I find that this makes it much easier to find mismatched tags and to make sure that my markup makes sense. If you don't like how it's indenting, you can control which tags go on their own line and how much space they get around them under Tools/Options/Text Editor/HTML/Format/Tag Specific Options. In your C# or VB code, this will correct any capitalization or formatting issues that didn't get caught automatically. For CSS files, you can choose compact (one definition per line), semi-expanded, or expanded (each rule on its own line); and you can choose how it handles capitalization.

Ctrl + Shift + S 保存所有更改的文件。救了我好几次。


我映射了所有的展开/折叠命令,这样它们就可以与左手一起使用,而且只有这样我的右手才会停留在鼠标上。 Ctrl + E, Ctrl + E切换展开,Ctrl + E, Ctrl + D折叠所有定义,Ctrl + E, Ctrl + A切换所有大纲。

我认为Ctrl + K + D绝对是我的最爱。比起其他快捷方式,我更喜欢使用它。它有助于根据我们指定的缩进和代码格式设置格式化文档。