/* Utility class: Getting the name of the current executing method
* https://stackoverflow.com/questions/442747/getting-the-name-of-the-current-executing-method
* Provides:
* getCurrentClassName()
* getCurrentMethodName()
* getCurrentFileName()
* getInvokingClassName()
* getInvokingMethodName()
* getInvokingFileName()
* Nb. Using StackTrace's to get this info is expensive. There are more optimised ways to obtain
* method names. See other stackoverflow posts eg. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/421280/in-java-how-do-i-find-the-caller-of-a-method-using-stacktrace-or-reflection/2924426#2924426
* 29/09/2012 (lem) - added methods to return (1) fully qualified names and (2) invoking class/method names
package com.stackoverflow.util;
public class StackTraceInfo
/* (Lifted from virgo47's stackoverflow answer) */
private static final int CLIENT_CODE_STACK_INDEX;
static {
// Finds out the index of "this code" in the returned stack trace - funny but it differs in JDK 1.5 and 1.6
int i = 0;
for (StackTraceElement ste: Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace())
if (ste.getClassName().equals(StackTraceInfo.class.getName()))
public static String getCurrentMethodName()
return getCurrentMethodName(1); // making additional overloaded method call requires +1 offset
private static String getCurrentMethodName(int offset)
return Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[CLIENT_CODE_STACK_INDEX + offset].getMethodName();
public static String getCurrentClassName()
return getCurrentClassName(1); // making additional overloaded method call requires +1 offset
private static String getCurrentClassName(int offset)
return Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[CLIENT_CODE_STACK_INDEX + offset].getClassName();
public static String getCurrentFileName()
return getCurrentFileName(1); // making additional overloaded method call requires +1 offset
private static String getCurrentFileName(int offset)
String filename = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[CLIENT_CODE_STACK_INDEX + offset].getFileName();
int lineNumber = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[CLIENT_CODE_STACK_INDEX + offset].getLineNumber();
return filename + ":" + lineNumber;
public static String getInvokingMethodName()
return getInvokingMethodName(2);
private static String getInvokingMethodName(int offset)
return getCurrentMethodName(offset + 1); // re-uses getCurrentMethodName() with desired index
public static String getInvokingClassName()
return getInvokingClassName(2);
private static String getInvokingClassName(int offset)
return getCurrentClassName(offset + 1); // re-uses getCurrentClassName() with desired index
public static String getInvokingFileName()
return getInvokingFileName(2);
private static String getInvokingFileName(int offset)
return getCurrentFileName(offset + 1); // re-uses getCurrentFileName() with desired index
public static String getCurrentMethodNameFqn()
return getCurrentMethodNameFqn(1);
private static String getCurrentMethodNameFqn(int offset)
String currentClassName = getCurrentClassName(offset + 1);
String currentMethodName = getCurrentMethodName(offset + 1);
return currentClassName + "." + currentMethodName ;
public static String getCurrentFileNameFqn()
String CurrentMethodNameFqn = getCurrentMethodNameFqn(1);
String currentFileName = getCurrentFileName(1);
return CurrentMethodNameFqn + "(" + currentFileName + ")";
public static String getInvokingMethodNameFqn()
return getInvokingMethodNameFqn(2);
private static String getInvokingMethodNameFqn(int offset)
String invokingClassName = getInvokingClassName(offset + 1);
String invokingMethodName = getInvokingMethodName(offset + 1);
return invokingClassName + "." + invokingMethodName;
public static String getInvokingFileNameFqn()
String invokingMethodNameFqn = getInvokingMethodNameFqn(2);
String invokingFileName = getInvokingFileName(2);
return invokingMethodNameFqn + "(" + invokingFileName + ")";
我们使用这段代码来减少堆栈跟踪索引的潜在可变性-现在只需调用methodName util:
public class MethodNameTest {
private static final int CLIENT_CODE_STACK_INDEX;
static {
// Finds out the index of "this code" in the returned stack trace - funny but it differs in JDK 1.5 and 1.6
int i = 0;
for (StackTraceElement ste : Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()) {
if (ste.getClassName().equals(MethodNameTest.class.getName())) {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("methodName() = " + methodName());
public static String methodName() {
return Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[CLIENT_CODE_STACK_INDEX].getMethodName();
似乎是过度设计了,但我们对JDK 1.5有一些固定的数字,当我们迁移到JDK 1.6时,它发生了变化,这有点令人惊讶。现在在Java 6/7中也是一样的,但你永远不会知道。它不能证明索引在运行时发生了变化——但希望HotSpot不会做得那么糟糕。: -)
public class SomeClass {
public void foo(){
class Local {};
String name = Local.class.getEnclosingMethod().getName();
public static String getCurrentMethod() {
return getCurrentMethod(1);
public static String getCurrentMethod(int skip) {
return Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[1 + 1 + skip].getMethodName();
public static void main(String[] args) {
public static void aaa() {
System.out.println("aaa -> " + getCurrentMethod( ) );
System.out.println("aaa -> " + getCurrentMethod(0) );
System.out.println("main -> " + getCurrentMethod(1) );
aaa -> aaa
aaa -> aaa
main -> main
/* Utility class: Getting the name of the current executing method
* https://stackoverflow.com/questions/442747/getting-the-name-of-the-current-executing-method
* Provides:
* getCurrentClassName()
* getCurrentMethodName()
* getCurrentFileName()
* getInvokingClassName()
* getInvokingMethodName()
* getInvokingFileName()
* Nb. Using StackTrace's to get this info is expensive. There are more optimised ways to obtain
* method names. See other stackoverflow posts eg. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/421280/in-java-how-do-i-find-the-caller-of-a-method-using-stacktrace-or-reflection/2924426#2924426
* 29/09/2012 (lem) - added methods to return (1) fully qualified names and (2) invoking class/method names
package com.stackoverflow.util;
public class StackTraceInfo
/* (Lifted from virgo47's stackoverflow answer) */
private static final int CLIENT_CODE_STACK_INDEX;
static {
// Finds out the index of "this code" in the returned stack trace - funny but it differs in JDK 1.5 and 1.6
int i = 0;
for (StackTraceElement ste: Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace())
if (ste.getClassName().equals(StackTraceInfo.class.getName()))
public static String getCurrentMethodName()
return getCurrentMethodName(1); // making additional overloaded method call requires +1 offset
private static String getCurrentMethodName(int offset)
return Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[CLIENT_CODE_STACK_INDEX + offset].getMethodName();
public static String getCurrentClassName()
return getCurrentClassName(1); // making additional overloaded method call requires +1 offset
private static String getCurrentClassName(int offset)
return Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[CLIENT_CODE_STACK_INDEX + offset].getClassName();
public static String getCurrentFileName()
return getCurrentFileName(1); // making additional overloaded method call requires +1 offset
private static String getCurrentFileName(int offset)
String filename = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[CLIENT_CODE_STACK_INDEX + offset].getFileName();
int lineNumber = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[CLIENT_CODE_STACK_INDEX + offset].getLineNumber();
return filename + ":" + lineNumber;
public static String getInvokingMethodName()
return getInvokingMethodName(2);
private static String getInvokingMethodName(int offset)
return getCurrentMethodName(offset + 1); // re-uses getCurrentMethodName() with desired index
public static String getInvokingClassName()
return getInvokingClassName(2);
private static String getInvokingClassName(int offset)
return getCurrentClassName(offset + 1); // re-uses getCurrentClassName() with desired index
public static String getInvokingFileName()
return getInvokingFileName(2);
private static String getInvokingFileName(int offset)
return getCurrentFileName(offset + 1); // re-uses getCurrentFileName() with desired index
public static String getCurrentMethodNameFqn()
return getCurrentMethodNameFqn(1);
private static String getCurrentMethodNameFqn(int offset)
String currentClassName = getCurrentClassName(offset + 1);
String currentMethodName = getCurrentMethodName(offset + 1);
return currentClassName + "." + currentMethodName ;
public static String getCurrentFileNameFqn()
String CurrentMethodNameFqn = getCurrentMethodNameFqn(1);
String currentFileName = getCurrentFileName(1);
return CurrentMethodNameFqn + "(" + currentFileName + ")";
public static String getInvokingMethodNameFqn()
return getInvokingMethodNameFqn(2);
private static String getInvokingMethodNameFqn(int offset)
String invokingClassName = getInvokingClassName(offset + 1);
String invokingMethodName = getInvokingMethodName(offset + 1);
return invokingClassName + "." + invokingMethodName;
public static String getInvokingFileNameFqn()
String invokingMethodNameFqn = getInvokingMethodNameFqn(2);
String invokingFileName = getInvokingFileName(2);
return invokingMethodNameFqn + "(" + invokingFileName + ")";
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
public class TraceHelper {
// save it static to have it available on every call
private static Method m;
static {
try {
m = Throwable.class.getDeclaredMethod("getStackTraceElement",
} catch (Exception e) {
public static String getMethodName(final int depth) {
try {
StackTraceElement element = (StackTraceElement) m.invoke(
new Throwable(), depth + 1);
return element.getMethodName();
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
它直接访问本机方法getStackTraceElement(int depth)。并将可访问的方法存储在静态变量中。
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