我有一个类(哈希)在哈希格式转换纯文本:md5或sha1,类似于php函数(md5, sha1):
public class Hash {
* @param txt, text in plain format
* @param hashType MD5 OR SHA1
* @return hash in hashType
public static String getHash(String txt, String hashType) {
try {
java.security.MessageDigest md = java.security.MessageDigest.getInstance(hashType);
byte[] array = md.digest(txt.getBytes());
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; ++i) {
sb.append(Integer.toHexString((array[i] & 0xFF) | 0x100).substring(1,3));
return sb.toString();
} catch (java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
//error action
return null;
public static String md5(String txt) {
return Hash.getHash(txt, "MD5");
public static String sha1(String txt) {
return Hash.getHash(txt, "SHA1");
echo 'MD5 :' . md5('Hello World') . "\n";
echo 'SHA1:' . sha1('Hello World') . "\n";
MD5 :b10a8db164e0754105b7a99be72e3fe5
public class HashTest {
public void test() {
String txt = "Hello World";
assertEquals("b10a8db164e0754105b7a99be72e3fe5", Hash.md5(txt));
assertEquals("0a4d55a8d778e5022fab701977c5d840bbc486d0", Hash.sha1(txt));
public final class MD5 {
public enum SaltOption {
private static final String ALG = "MD5";
//For conversion to 2-char hex
private static final char[] digits = {
'0' , '1' , '2' , '3' , '4' , '5' ,
'6' , '7' , '8' , '9' , 'a' , 'b' ,
'c' , 'd' , 'e' , 'f' , 'g' , 'h' ,
'i' , 'j' , 'k' , 'l' , 'm' , 'n' ,
'o' , 'p' , 'q' , 'r' , 's' , 't' ,
'u' , 'v' , 'w' , 'x' , 'y' , 'z'
private SaltOption opt;
* Added the SaltOption constructor since everybody
* has their own standards when it comes to salting
* hashes.
* This gives the developer the option...
* @param option The salt option to use, BEFORE, AFTER, BOTH or NONE.
public MD5(final SaltOption option) {
//TODO: Add Char Encoding options too... I was too lazy!
this.opt = option;
* Returns the salted MD5 checksum of the text passed in as an argument.
* If the salt is an empty byte array - no salt is applied.
* @param txt The text to run through the MD5 algorithm.
* @param salt The salt value in bytes.
* @return The salted MD5 checksum as a <code>byte[]</code>
* @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException
private byte[] createChecksum(final String txt, final byte[] salt) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException {
final MessageDigest complete = MessageDigest.getInstance(ALG);
if(opt.equals(SaltOption.BEFORE) || opt.equals(SaltOption.BOTH)) {
if(opt.equals(SaltOption.AFTER) || opt.equals(SaltOption.BOTH)) {
return complete.digest();
* Returns the salted MD5 checksum of the file passed in as an argument.
* If the salt is an empty byte array - no salt is applied.
* @param fle The file to run through the MD5 algorithm.
* @param salt The salt value in bytes.
* @return The salted MD5 checksum as a <code>byte[]</code>
* @throws IOException
* @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException
private byte[] createChecksum(final File fle, final byte[] salt)
throws IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException {
final byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
final MessageDigest complete = MessageDigest.getInstance(ALG);
if(opt.equals(SaltOption.BEFORE) || opt.equals(SaltOption.BOTH)) {
int numRead;
InputStream fis = null;
try {
fis = new FileInputStream(fle);
do {
numRead = fis.read(buffer);
if (numRead > 0) {
complete.update(buffer, 0, numRead);
} while (numRead != -1);
} finally {
if (fis != null) {
if(opt.equals(SaltOption.AFTER) || opt.equals(SaltOption.BOTH)) {
return complete.digest();
* Efficiently converts a byte array to its 2 char per byte hex equivalent.
* This was adapted from JDK code in the Integer class, I just didn't like
* having to use substrings once I got the result...
* @param b The byte array to convert
* @return The converted String, 2 chars per byte...
private String convertToHex(final byte[] b) {
int x;
int charPos;
int radix;
int mask;
final char[] buf = new char[32];
final char[] tmp = new char[3];
final StringBuilder md5 = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < b.length; i++) {
x = (b[i] & 0xFF) | 0x100;
charPos = 32;
radix = 1 << 4;
mask = radix - 1;
do {
buf[--charPos] = digits[x & mask];
x >>>= 4;
} while (x != 0);
System.arraycopy(buf, charPos, tmp, 0, (32 - charPos));
md5.append(Arrays.copyOfRange(tmp, 1, 3));
return md5.toString();
* Returns the salted MD5 checksum of the file passed in as an argument.
* @param fle The file you want want to run through the MD5 algorithm.
* @param salt The salt value in bytes
* @return The salted MD5 checksum as a 2 char per byte HEX <code>String</code>
* @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException
* @throws IOException
public String getMD5Checksum(final File fle, final byte[] salt)
throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, IOException {
return convertToHex(createChecksum(fle, salt));
* Returns the MD5 checksum of the file passed in as an argument.
* @param fle The file you want want to run through the MD5 algorithm.
* @return The MD5 checksum as a 2 char per byte HEX <code>String</code>
* @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException
* @throws IOException
public String getMD5Checksum(final File fle)
throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, IOException {
return convertToHex(createChecksum(fle, new byte[0]));
* Returns the salted MD5 checksum of the text passed in as an argument.
* @param txt The text you want want to run through the MD5 algorithm.
* @param salt The salt value in bytes.
* @return The salted MD5 checksum as a 2 char per byte HEX <code>String</code>
* @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException
* @throws IOException
public String getMD5Checksum(final String txt, final byte[] salt)
throws NoSuchAlgorithmException {
return convertToHex(createChecksum(txt, salt));
* Returns the MD5 checksum of the text passed in as an argument.
* @param txt The text you want want to run through the MD5 algorithm.
* @return The MD5 checksum as a 2 char per byte HEX <code>String</code>
* @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException
* @throws IOException
public String getMD5Checksum(final String txt)
throws NoSuchAlgorithmException {
return convertToHex(createChecksum(txt, new byte[0]));
你需要java.security. messagdigest。
调用MessageDigest. getinstance ("MD5")来获取您可以使用的MessageDigest的MD5实例。
以字节[]的形式提供整个输入,并使用md.digest(字节)在一次操作中计算哈希。 通过调用md.update(bytes)每次向MessageDigest提供一个字节[]块。当您完成添加输入字节时,计算与的散列 md.digest()。
import java.security.MessageDigest;
import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException;
import javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter;
public class MD5HashGenerator
public static void main(String args[]) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException
String stringToHash = "MyJavaCode";
MessageDigest messageDigest = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
byte[] digiest = messageDigest.digest();
String hashedOutput = DatatypeConverter.printHexBinary(digiest);
如果你使用的是像MySQL这样的数据库,你也可以用一种更简单的方式来做到这一点。查询Select MD5(" text here ")将返回括号中文本的MD5哈希值。
public static String getHashMD5(String string) {
try {
MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
BigInteger bi = new BigInteger(1, md.digest(string.getBytes()));
return bi.toString(16);
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException ex) {
.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
return "";
String hash = MD5.asHex(MD5.getHash(new File(filename)));
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