

YAML是“YAML Ain't Markup Language”的递归首字母缩写。在YAML开发的早期,它的意思是“另一种标记语言”,[3],但后来它被重新解释(反向命名最初的缩写词),以区分其面向数据的目的,而不是文档标记。



正如@David Heffeman所指出的,建议在可能的情况下使用.yaml,自2006年9月以来一直是这样的建议。



The other recommendation I have is to document the argument(s) why you have to use .yml, when you think you have to. That way you don't look like an ignoramus, and give others the opportunity to understand your reasoning. Of course "everybody else is doing it" and "On Google .yml has more pages than .yaml" are not arguments, they are just statistics about the popularity of project(s) that have it wrong or right (with regards to the extension of YAML files). You can try to prove that some projects are popular, just because they use a .yml extension instead of the correct .yaml, but I think you will be hard pressed to do so.

Some projects realize (too late) that they use the incorrect extension (e.g. originally docker-compose used .yml, but in later versions started to use .yaml, although they still support .yml). Others still seem ignorant about the correct extension, like AppVeyor early 2019, but allow you to specify the configuration file for a project, including extension. This allows you to get the configuration file out of your face as well as giving it the proper extension: I use .appveyor.yaml instead of appveyor.yml for building the windows wheels of my YAML parser for Python).


Symfony2的Yaml (sic!)组件实现了Yaml 1.2版本规范中定义的选定功能子集。



文件扩展名对文件的内容没有任何影响。您可以将YAML内容保存在任何扩展名为.yml、. YAML或其他任何文件中。



正如@David Heffeman所指出的,建议在可能的情况下使用.yaml,自2006年9月以来一直是这样的建议。



The other recommendation I have is to document the argument(s) why you have to use .yml, when you think you have to. That way you don't look like an ignoramus, and give others the opportunity to understand your reasoning. Of course "everybody else is doing it" and "On Google .yml has more pages than .yaml" are not arguments, they are just statistics about the popularity of project(s) that have it wrong or right (with regards to the extension of YAML files). You can try to prove that some projects are popular, just because they use a .yml extension instead of the correct .yaml, but I think you will be hard pressed to do so.

Some projects realize (too late) that they use the incorrect extension (e.g. originally docker-compose used .yml, but in later versions started to use .yaml, although they still support .yml). Others still seem ignorant about the correct extension, like AppVeyor early 2019, but allow you to specify the configuration file for a project, including extension. This allows you to get the configuration file out of your face as well as giving it the proper extension: I use .appveyor.yaml instead of appveyor.yml for building the windows wheels of my YAML parser for Python).


Symfony2的Yaml (sic!)组件实现了Yaml 1.2版本规范中定义的选定功能子集。
