这不是一个真正的编程问题,是否有命令行或Windows工具(Windows 7)来获取文本文件的当前编码?当然,我可以写一个小c#应用程序,但我想知道是否有一些已经内置?
您可以在文件位置上打开git bash,然后运行命令file -i file_name来检查
user filesData
$ file -i data.csv
data.csv: text/csv; charset=utf-8
我发现另一个有用的工具是:https://archive.codeplex.com/?p=encodingchecker EXE可以在这里找到
如果你安装了git,它位于C:\Program Files\git\usr\bin.
C:\Users\SH\Downloads\SquareRoot>file * _UpgradeReport_Files; directory Debug; directory duration.h; ASCII C++ program text, with CRLF line terminators ipch; directory main.cpp; ASCII C program text, with CRLF line terminators Precision.txt; ASCII text, with CRLF line terminators Release; directory Speed.txt; ASCII text, with CRLF line terminators SquareRoot.sdf; data SquareRoot.sln; UTF-8 Unicode (with BOM) text, with CRLF line terminators SquareRoot.sln.docstates.suo; PCX ver. 2.5 image data SquareRoot.suo; CDF V2 Document, corrupt: Cannot read summary info SquareRoot.vcproj; XML document text SquareRoot.vcxproj; XML document text SquareRoot.vcxproj.filters; XML document text SquareRoot.vcxproj.user; XML document text squarerootmethods.h; ASCII C program text, with CRLF line terminators UpgradeLog.XML; XML document text C:\Users\SH\Downloads\SquareRoot>file --mime-encoding * _UpgradeReport_Files; binary Debug; binary duration.h; us-ascii ipch; binary main.cpp; us-ascii Precision.txt; us-ascii Release; binary Speed.txt; us-ascii SquareRoot.sdf; binary SquareRoot.sln; utf-8 SquareRoot.sln.docstates.suo; binary SquareRoot.suo; CDF V2 Document, corrupt: Cannot read summary infobinary SquareRoot.vcproj; us-ascii SquareRoot.vcxproj; utf-8 SquareRoot.vcxproj.filters; utf-8 SquareRoot.vcxproj.user; utf-8 squarerootmethods.h; us-ascii UpgradeLog.XML; us-ascii
# from https://gist.github.com/zommarin/1480974
function Get-FileEncoding($Path) {
$bytes = [byte[]](Get-Content $Path -Encoding byte -ReadCount 4 -TotalCount 4)
if(!$bytes) { return 'utf8' }
switch -regex ('{0:x2}{1:x2}{2:x2}{3:x2}' -f $bytes[0],$bytes[1],$bytes[2],$bytes[3]) {
'^efbbbf' { return 'utf8' }
'^2b2f76' { return 'utf7' }
'^fffe' { return 'unicode' }
'^feff' { return 'bigendianunicode' }
'^0000feff' { return 'utf32' }
default { return 'ascii' }
dir ~\Documents\WindowsPowershell -File |
select Name,@{Name='Encoding';Expression={Get-FileEncoding $_.FullName}} |
ft -AutoSize
建议:如果dir、ls或Get-ChildItem只检查已知的文本文件,并且只从已知的工具列表中寻找“糟糕的编码”,那么这个方法可以很好地工作。(例如SQL Management Studio默认为UTF16,这破坏了GIT auto-cr-lf for Windows,这是多年来的默认。)
file *
类似于上面用记事本列出的解决方案,如果你正在使用Visual Studio,你也可以在Visual Studio中打开文件。在Visual Studio中,您可以选择“File > Advanced Save Options…”
就像记事本一样,你也可以从选项列表中更改编码,然后在点击“确定”后保存文件。你也可以通过Save As对话框中的“Save with encoding…”选项来选择你想要的编码(通过单击Save按钮旁边的箭头)。
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