我正在使用datetime Python模块。我希望从当前日期计算6个月的日期。有人能帮我一下吗?



import time

def add_month(start_time, months):  

        ret = time.strptime(start_time, '%Y-%m-%d')
        t = list(ret)

        t[1] += months

        if t[1] > 12:
            t[0] += 1 + int(months / 12)

            t[1] %= 12

        return int(time.mktime(tuple(t)))



def add_months(start_date, months):
    import calendar

    year = start_date.year + (months / 12)
    month = start_date.month + (months % 12)
    day = start_date.day

    if month > 12:
        month = month % 12
        year = year + 1

    days_next = calendar.monthrange(year, month)[1]
    if day > days_next:
        day = days_next

    return start_date.replace(year, month, day)


使用python datetime模块为datetime.today()添加6个月的时间增量。


你当然要解决Johannes weß提出的问题——你说的6个月是什么意思?


import calendar
from datetime import datetime
moths2add = 6
now = datetime.now()
current_year = now.year
current_month = now.month
#count days in months you want to add using calendar module
days = sum(
  [calendar.monthrange(current_year, elem)[1] for elem in range(current_month, current_month + moths)]
print now + days


import datetime
import calendar

def add_months(date, months):
    months_count = date.month + months

    # Calculate the year
    year = date.year + int(months_count / 12)

    # Calculate the month
    month = (months_count % 12)
    if month == 0:
        month = 12

    # Calculate the day
    day = date.day
    last_day_of_month = calendar.monthrange(year, month)[1]
    if day > last_day_of_month:
        day = last_day_of_month

    new_date = datetime.date(year, month, day)
    return new_date


>>>date = datetime.date(2018, 11, 30)

>>>print(date, add_months(date, 3))
(datetime.date(2018, 11, 30), datetime.date(2019, 2, 28))

>>>print(date, add_months(date, 14))
(datetime.date(2018, 12, 31), datetime.date(2020, 2, 29))

修改了Johannes Wei在1new_month = 121情况下的答案。这对我来说非常合适。月份可以是正的,也可以是负的。

def addMonth(d,months=1):
    year, month, day = d.timetuple()[:3]
    new_month = month + months
    return datetime.date(year + ((new_month-1) / 12), (new_month-1) % 12 +1, day)