public enum Question
Role = 2,
ProjectFunding = 3,
TotalEmployee = 4,
NumberOfServers = 5,
TopBusinessConcern = 6
// Fake Day of Week
string strDOWFake = "SuperDay";
// Real Day of Week
string strDOWReal = "Friday";
// Will hold which ever is the real DOW.
DayOfWeek enmDOW;
// See if fake DOW is defined in the DayOfWeek enumeration.
if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(DayOfWeek), strDOWFake))
// This will never be reached since "SuperDay"
// doesn't exist in the DayOfWeek enumeration.
enmDOW = (DayOfWeek)Enum.Parse(typeof(DayOfWeek), strDOWFake);
// See if real DOW is defined in the DayOfWeek enumeration.
else if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(DayOfWeek), strDOWReal))
// This will parse the string into it's corresponding DOW enum object.
enmDOW = (DayOfWeek)Enum.Parse(typeof(DayOfWeek), strDOWReal);
// Can now use the DOW enum object.
Console.Write("Today is " + enmDOW.ToString() + ".");
public static void Main()
int test = MyCSharpWrapperMethod(TestEnum.Test1);
Debug.Assert(test == 1);
public static int MyCSharpWrapperMethod(TestEnum customFlag)
return MyCPlusPlusMethod(customFlag.GetValue<int>());
public static int MyCPlusPlusMethod(int customFlag)
// Pretend you made a PInvoke or COM+ call to C++ method that require an integer
return customFlag;
public enum TestEnum
Test1 = 1,
Test2 = 2,
Test3 = 3
public static class EnumExtensions
public static T GetValue<T>(this Enum enumeration)
T result = default(T);
result = (T)Convert.ChangeType(enumeration, typeof(T));
catch (Exception ex)
return result;