


This is more than somewhat subjective, because it gets into the quality of compilers and such more than anything else. However, to more directly answer your question, speaking from a language/compiler standpoint there is nothing about Fortran over C that is going to make it inherently faster or better than C. If you are doing heavy math operations, it will come down to the quality of the compiler, the skill of the programmer in each language and the intrinsic math support libraries that support those operations to ultimately determine which is going to be faster for a given implementation.



This is more than somewhat subjective, because it gets into the quality of compilers and such more than anything else. However, to more directly answer your question, speaking from a language/compiler standpoint there is nothing about Fortran over C that is going to make it inherently faster or better than C. If you are doing heavy math operations, it will come down to the quality of the compiler, the skill of the programmer in each language and the intrinsic math support libraries that support those operations to ultimately determine which is going to be faster for a given implementation.




一般来说,FORTRAN比C慢。C可以使用硬件级指针,允许程序员手动优化。FORTRAN(在大多数情况下)不能访问硬件内存寻址黑客。(VAX FORTRAN是另一回事。)我从70年代开始断断续续地使用FORTRAN。(真的)。





I think the key point in favor of Fortran is that it is a language slightly more suited for expressing vector- and array-based math. The pointer analysis issue pointed out above is real in practice, since portable code cannot really assume that you can tell a compiler something. There is ALWAYS an advantage to expression computaitons in a manner closer to how the domain looks. C does not really have arrays at all, if you look closely, just something that kind of behaves like it. Fortran has real arrawys. Which makes it easier to compile for certain types of algorithms especially for parallel machines.

在运行时系统和调用约定等方面,C语言和现代的Fortran非常相似,很难看出有什么不同。注意,这里的C实际上是基础C: c++是一个完全不同的问题,具有非常不同的性能特征。


当我开始专业编程时,Fortran的速度优势正受到挑战。我记得我在Dr. Dobbs上读到过这篇文章,并把这篇文章告诉了年长的程序员——他们都笑了。

所以我对此有两种观点,理论上的和实际的。从理论上讲,今天的Fortran与C/ c++甚至任何允许汇编代码的语言相比,并没有内在的优势。在实践中,今天的Fortran仍然享有围绕优化数值代码而建立的历史和文化遗产的好处。

Up until and including Fortran 77, language design considerations had optimization as a main focus. Due to the state of compiler theory and technology, this often meant restricting features and capability in order to give the compiler the best shot at optimizing the code. A good analogy is to think of Fortran 77 as a professional race car that sacrifices features for speed. These days compilers have gotten better across all languages and features for programmer productivity are more valued. However, there are still places where the people are mainly concerned with speed in scientific computing; these people most likely have inherited code, training and culture from people who themselves were Fortran programmers.


