


Public Shared Function CalculateAge(BirthDate As DateTime) As Integer
    Dim HebCal As New System.Globalization.HebrewCalendar ()
    Dim now = DateTime.Now()
    Dim iAge = HebCal.GetYear(now) - HebCal.GetYear(BirthDate)
    Dim iNowMonth = HebCal.GetMonth(now), iBirthMonth = HebCal.GetMonth(BirthDate)
    If iNowMonth < iBirthMonth Or (iNowMonth = iBirthMonth AndAlso HebCal.GetDayOfMonth(now) < HebCal.GetDayOfMonth(BirthDate)) Then iAge -= 1
    Return iAge
End Function



第一行(var year=end.year-start.year-1;):假设出生日期尚未发生在结束年份。然后检查月份和日期,看看是否发生了;再增加一年。


    static int Get_Age(DateTime start, DateTime end)
        var year = end.Year - start.Year - 1;
        if (end.Month < start.Month)
            return year;
        else if (end.Month == start.Month)
            if (end.Day >= start.Day)
                return ++year;
            return year;
            return ++year;

    static void Test_Get_Age()
        var start = new DateTime(2008, 4, 10); // b-date, leap year BTY
        var end = new DateTime(2023, 2, 1); // end date is before the b-date
        var result1 = Get_Age(start, end);
        var success1 = result1 == 14; // true

        end = new DateTime(2023, 4, 10); // end date is on the b-date
        var result2 = Get_Age(start, end);
        var success2 = result2 == 15; // true

        end = new DateTime(2023, 6, 22); // end date is after the b-date
        var result3 = Get_Age(start, end);
        var success3 = result3 == 15; // true

        start = new DateTime(2008, 2, 29); // b-date is on feb 29
        end = new DateTime(2023, 2, 28); // end date is before the b-date
        var result4 = Get_Age(start, end);
        var success4 = result4 == 14; // true

        end = new DateTime(2020, 2, 29); // end date is on the b-date, on another leap year
        var result5 = Get_Age(start, end);
        var success5 = result5 == 12; // true


public void LoopAge(DateTime myDOB, DateTime FutureDate)
    int years = 0;
    int months = 0;
    int days = 0;

    DateTime tmpMyDOB = new DateTime(myDOB.Year, myDOB.Month, 1);

    DateTime tmpFutureDate = new DateTime(FutureDate.Year, FutureDate.Month, 1);

    while (tmpMyDOB.AddYears(years).AddMonths(months) < tmpFutureDate)

        if (months > 12)
            months = months - 12;

    if (FutureDate.Day >= myDOB.Day)
        days = days + FutureDate.Day - myDOB.Day;

        if (months < 0)
            months = months + 12;

        days +=
                FutureDate.AddMonths(-1).Year, FutureDate.AddMonths(-1).Month
            ) + FutureDate.Day - myDOB.Day;


    //add an extra day if the dob is a leap day
    if (DateTime.IsLeapYear(myDOB.Year) && myDOB.Month == 2 && myDOB.Day == 29)
        //but only if the future date is less than 1st March
        if (FutureDate >= new DateTime(FutureDate.Year, 3, 1))



var ts = DateTime.Now - new DateTime(1988, 3, 19);
var age = Math.Round(ts.Days / 365.0);


public static int GetAgeByLoop(DateTime birthday)
    var age = -1;

    for (var date = birthday; date < DateTime.Today; date = date.AddYears(1))

    return age;





int age=出生日期.age();

public static class DateTimeExtensions
    /// <summary>
    /// Calculates the age in years of the current System.DateTime object today.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="birthDate">The date of birth</param>
    /// <returns>Age in years today. 0 is returned for a future date of birth.</returns>
    public static int Age(this DateTime birthDate)
        return Age(birthDate, DateTime.Today);

    /// <summary>
    /// Calculates the age in years of the current System.DateTime object on a later date.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="birthDate">The date of birth</param>
    /// <param name="laterDate">The date on which to calculate the age.</param>
    /// <returns>Age in years on a later day. 0 is returned as minimum.</returns>
    public static int Age(this DateTime birthDate, DateTime laterDate)
        int age;
        age = laterDate.Year - birthDate.Year;

        if (age > 0)
            age -= Convert.ToInt32(laterDate.Date < birthDate.Date.AddYears(age));
            age = 0;

        return age;


class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)

    private static void RunTest()
        DateTime birthDate = new DateTime(2000, 2, 28);
        DateTime laterDate = new DateTime(2011, 2, 27);
        string iso = "yyyy-MM-dd";

        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                Console.WriteLine("Birth date: " + birthDate.AddDays(i).ToString(iso) + "  Later date: " + laterDate.AddDays(j).ToString(iso) + "  Age: " + birthDate.AddDays(i).Age(laterDate.AddDays(j)).ToString());





    Birth date: 2000-02-28  Later date: 2011-02-27  Age: 10
    Birth date: 2000-02-28  Later date: 2011-02-28  Age: 11
    Birth date: 2000-02-28  Later date: 2011-03-01  Age: 11
    Birth date: 2000-02-29  Later date: 2011-02-27  Age: 10
    Birth date: 2000-02-29  Later date: 2011-02-28  Age: 11
    Birth date: 2000-02-29  Later date: 2011-03-01  Age: 11
    Birth date: 2000-03-01  Later date: 2011-02-27  Age: 10
    Birth date: 2000-03-01  Later date: 2011-02-28  Age: 10
    Birth date: 2000-03-01  Later date: 2011-03-01  Age: 11


    Birth date: 2000-02-28  Later date: 2012-02-28  Age: 12
    Birth date: 2000-02-28  Later date: 2012-02-29  Age: 12
    Birth date: 2000-02-28  Later date: 2012-03-01  Age: 12
    Birth date: 2000-02-29  Later date: 2012-02-28  Age: 11
    Birth date: 2000-02-29  Later date: 2012-02-29  Age: 12
    Birth date: 2000-02-29  Later date: 2012-03-01  Age: 12
    Birth date: 2000-03-01  Later date: 2012-02-28  Age: 11
    Birth date: 2000-03-01  Later date: 2012-02-29  Age: 11
    Birth date: 2000-03-01  Later date: 2012-03-01  Age: 12