int age = (int) ((DateTime.Now - bday).TotalDays/365.242199);
var ts = DateTime.Now - new DateTime(1988, 3, 19);
var age = Math.Round(ts.Days / 365.0);
public static int AgeInYears(this System.DateTime source, System.DateTime target)
=> target.Year - source.Year is int age && age > 0 && source.AddYears(age) > target ? age - 1 : age < 0 && source.AddYears(age) < target ? age + 1 : age;
public static double AgeInTotalYears(this System.DateTime source, System.DateTime target)
var sign = (source <= target ? 1 : -1);
var ageInYears = AgeInYears(source, target); // The method above.
var last = source.AddYears(ageInYears);
var next = source.AddYears(ageInYears + sign);
var fractionalAge = (double)(target - last).Ticks / (double)(next - last).Ticks * sign;
return ageInYears + fractionalAge;
DateTime today = DateTime.Today;
DateTime bday = DateTime.Parse("2016-2-14");
int age = today.Year - bday.Year;
var unit = "";
if (bday > today.AddYears(-age))
if (age == 0) // Under one year old
age = today.Month - bday.Month;
age = age <= 0 ? (12 + age) : age; // The next year before birthday
age = today.Day - bday.Day >= 0 ? age : --age; // Before the birthday.day
unit = "month";
else {
unit = "year";
if (age > 1)
unit = unit + "s";
The birthday: 2016-2-14
2016-2-15 => age=0, unit=month;
2016-5-13 => age=2, unit=months;
2016-5-14 => age=3, unit=months;
2016-6-13 => age=3, unit=months;
2016-6-15 => age=4, unit=months;
2017-1-13 => age=10, unit=months;
2017-1-14 => age=11, unit=months;
2017-2-13 => age=11, unit=months;
2017-2-14 => age=1, unit=year;
2017-2-15 => age=1, unit=year;
2017-3-13 => age=1, unit=year;
2018-1-13 => age=1, unit=year;
2018-1-14 => age=1, unit=year;
2018-2-13 => age=1, unit=year;
2018-2-14 => age=2, unit=years;
DateTime zeroTime = new DateTime(1, 1, 1);
var date1 = new DateTime(1983, 03, 04);
var date2 = DateTime.Now;
var dif = date2 - date1;
int years = (zeroTime + dif).Year - 1;
Log.DebugFormat("Years -->{0}", years);
第一行(var year=end.year-start.year-1;):假设出生日期尚未发生在结束年份。然后检查月份和日期,看看是否发生了;再增加一年。
static int Get_Age(DateTime start, DateTime end)
var year = end.Year - start.Year - 1;
if (end.Month < start.Month)
return year;
else if (end.Month == start.Month)
if (end.Day >= start.Day)
return ++year;
return year;
return ++year;
static void Test_Get_Age()
var start = new DateTime(2008, 4, 10); // b-date, leap year BTY
var end = new DateTime(2023, 2, 1); // end date is before the b-date
var result1 = Get_Age(start, end);
var success1 = result1 == 14; // true
end = new DateTime(2023, 4, 10); // end date is on the b-date
var result2 = Get_Age(start, end);
var success2 = result2 == 15; // true
end = new DateTime(2023, 6, 22); // end date is after the b-date
var result3 = Get_Age(start, end);
var success3 = result3 == 15; // true
start = new DateTime(2008, 2, 29); // b-date is on feb 29
end = new DateTime(2023, 2, 28); // end date is before the b-date
var result4 = Get_Age(start, end);
var success4 = result4 == 14; // true
end = new DateTime(2020, 2, 29); // end date is on the b-date, on another leap year
var result5 = Get_Age(start, end);
var success5 = result5 == 12; // true
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