public static int GetAgeByLoop(DateTime birthday)
var age = -1;
for (var date = birthday; date < DateTime.Today; date = date.AddYears(1))
return age;
Public Shared Function CalculateAge(BirthDate As DateTime) As Integer
Dim HebCal As New System.Globalization.HebrewCalendar ()
Dim now = DateTime.Now()
Dim iAge = HebCal.GetYear(now) - HebCal.GetYear(BirthDate)
Dim iNowMonth = HebCal.GetMonth(now), iBirthMonth = HebCal.GetMonth(BirthDate)
If iNowMonth < iBirthMonth Or (iNowMonth = iBirthMonth AndAlso HebCal.GetDayOfMonth(now) < HebCal.GetDayOfMonth(BirthDate)) Then iAge -= 1
Return iAge
End Function
DateTime birth = new DateTime(1975, 09, 27, 01, 00, 00, 00);
TimeSpan ts = DateTime.Now - birth;
Console.WriteLine("You are approximately " + ts.TotalSeconds.ToString() + " seconds old.");
public struct Age : IEquatable<Age>, IComparable<Age>
private readonly int _years;
private readonly int _months;
private readonly int _days;
public int Years { get { return _years; } }
public int Months { get { return _months; } }
public int Days { get { return _days; } }
public Age( int years, int months, int days ) : this()
_years = years;
_months = months;
_days = days;
public static Age CalculateAge( DateTime dateOfBirth, DateTime date )
// Here is some logic that ressembles Mike's solution, although it
// also takes into account months & days.
// Ommitted for brevity.
return new Age (years, months, days);
// Ommited Equality, Comparable, GetHashCode, functionality for brevity.
public int GetAge(DateTime birthDate)
int age = DateTime.Now.Year - birthDate.Year;
if (birthDate.DayOfYear > DateTime.Now.DayOfYear)
return age;
int AgeNow(DateTime birthday)
return AgeAt(DateTime.Now, birthday);
int AgeAt(DateTime now, DateTime birthday)
return AgeAt(now, birthday, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Calendar);
int AgeAt(DateTime now, DateTime birthday, Calendar calendar)
// My age has increased on the morning of my
// birthday even though I was born in the evening.
now = now.Date;
birthday = birthday.Date;
var age = 0;
if (now <= birthday) return age; // I am zero now if I am to be born tomorrow.
while (calendar.AddYears(birthday, age + 1) <= now)
return age;
PASSED: someone born on 28 February 1964 is age 4 on 28 February 1968
PASSED: someone born on 29 February 1964 is age 3 on 28 February 1968
PASSED: someone born on 31 December 2016 is age 0 on 01 January 2017
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