


Dozer是一个Java Bean到Java Bean的程序 递归复制数据的映射器 从一个物体到另一个物体。通常情况下, 这些Java bean将是不同的 复杂类型。 Dozer支持简单属性 映射,复杂类型映射, 双向映射, 隐式-显式映射,以及 递归的映射。这包括 映射集合属性 还需要在元素处进行映射 的水平。



通过智能匹配源和目标属性自动映射对象模型 提供一个重构安全映射API,使用实际代码来映射字段和方法,而不是使用字符串 利用基于约定的配置来简单处理自定义场景




Commons-BeanUtils: ConvertUtils -> Utility methods for converting String scalar values to objects of the specified Class, String arrays to arrays of the specified Class. Commons-Lang: ArrayUtils -> Operations on arrays, primitive arrays (like int[]) and primitive wrapper arrays (like Integer[]). Spring framework: Spring has an excellent support for PropertyEditors, that can also be used to transform Objects to/from Strings. Dozer: Dozer is a powerful, yet simple Java Bean to Java Bean mapper that recursively copies data from one object to another. Typically, these Java Beans will be of different complex types. ModelMapper: ModelMapper is an intelligent object mapping framework that automatically maps objects to each other. It uses a convention based approach to map objects while providing a simple refactoring safe API for handling specific use cases. MapStruct: MapStruct is a compile-time code generator for bean mappings, resulting in fast (no usage of reflection or similar), dependency-less and type-safe mapping code at runtime. Orika: Orika uses byte code generation to create fast mappers with minimal overhead. Selma: Compile-time code-generator for mappings JMapper: Bean mapper generation using Annotation, XML or API (seems dead, last updated 2 years ago) Smooks: The Smooks JavaBean Cartridge allows you to create and populate Java objects from your message data (i.e. bind data to) (suggested by superfilin in comments). (No longer under active development) Commons-Convert: Commons-Convert aims to provide a single library dedicated to the task of converting an object of one type to another. The first stage will focus on Object to String and String to Object conversions. (seems dead, last update 2010) Transmorph: Transmorph is a free java library used to convert a Java object of one type into an object of another type (with another signature, possibly parameterized). (seems dead, last update 2013) EZMorph: EZMorph is simple java library for transforming an Object to another Object. It supports transformations for primitives and Objects, for multidimensional arrays and transformations with DynaBeans (seems dead, last updated 2008) Morph: Morph is a Java framework that eases the internal interoperability of an application. As information flows through an application, it undergoes multiple transformations. Morph provides a standard way to implement these transformations. (seems dead, last update 2008) Lorentz: Lorentz is a generic object-to-object conversion framework. It provides a simple API to convert a Java objects of one type into an object of another type. (seems dead) OTOM: With OTOM, you can copy any data from any object to any other object. The possibilities are endless. Welcome to "Autumn". (seems dead)

使用Apache commons beanutils:

静态无效copyProperties(对象dest,对象origin) -将所有属性值从源bean复制到目标bean 属性名为的情况 相同。



Dozer是一个Java Bean到Java Bean的程序 递归复制数据的映射器 从一个物体到另一个物体。通常情况下, 这些Java bean将是不同的 复杂类型。 Dozer支持简单属性 映射,复杂类型映射, 双向映射, 隐式-显式映射,以及 递归的映射。这包括 映射集合属性 还需要在元素处进行映射 的水平。

你也可以尝试基于Dozer的映射框架,但是用Excel来声明映射。他们有一些工具和额外的很酷的功能。 查看网址:http://openl-tablets.sf.net/mapper