我很高兴添加Moo作为一个选项,尽管很明显我对它有偏见: http://geoffreywiseman.github.com/Moo/
Dozer是一个Java Bean到Java Bean的程序 递归复制数据的映射器 从一个物体到另一个物体。通常情况下, 这些Java bean将是不同的 复杂类型。 Dozer支持简单属性 映射,复杂类型映射, 双向映射, 隐式-显式映射,以及 递归的映射。这包括 映射集合属性 还需要在元素处进行映射 的水平。
还有一个Java映射引擎/框架Nomin: http://nomin.sourceforge.net。
使用Apache commons beanutils:
静态无效copyProperties(对象dest,对象origin) -将所有属性值从源bean复制到目标bean 属性名为的情况 相同。
另一个是Orika - https://github.com/orika-mapper/orika
Orika is a Java Bean mapping framework that recursively copies (among other capabilities) data from one object to another. It can be very useful when developing multi-layered applications. Orika focuses on automating as much as possible, while providing customization through configuration and extension where needed. Orika enables the developer to : Map complex and deeply structured objects "Flatten" or "Expand" objects by mapping nested properties to top-level properties, and vice versa Create mappers on-the-fly, and apply customizations to control some or all of the mapping Create converters for complete control over the mapping of a specific set of objects anywhere in the object graph--by type, or even by specific property name Handle proxies or enhanced objects (like those of Hibernate, or the various mock frameworks) Apply bi-directional mapping with one configuration Map to instances of an appropriate concrete class for a target abstract class or interface Handle reverse mappings Handle complex conventions beyond JavaBean specs. Orika uses byte code generation to create fast mappers with minimal overhead.
通过智能匹配源和目标属性自动映射对象模型 提供一个重构安全映射API,使用实际代码来映射字段和方法,而不是使用字符串 利用基于约定的配置来简单处理自定义场景
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