Unconstrained (nullable) one-to-one association is the only one that can not be proxied without bytecode instrumentation. The reason for this is that owner entity MUST know whether association property should contain a proxy object or NULL and it can't determine that by looking at its base table's columns due to one-to-one normally being mapped via shared PK, so it has to be eagerly fetched anyway making proxy pointless. Here's a more detailed explanation.
many-to-one associations (and one-to-many, obviously) do not suffer from this issue. Owner entity can easily check its own FK (and in case of one-to-many, empty collection proxy is created initially and populated on demand), so the association can be lazy.
Replacing one-to-one with one-to-many is pretty much never a good idea. You can replace it with unique many-to-one but there are other (possibly better) options.
Rob H.有一个有效的观点,但是您可能无法根据您的模型实现它(例如,如果您的一对一关联是可空的)。
A) @ManyToOne(fetch=FetchType.LAZY)应该可以正常工作。您确定它没有在查询本身中被覆盖吗?可以在HQL中指定连接获取和/或通过Criteria API显式设置获取模式,这将优先于类注释。如果不是这样,你仍然有问题,请发布你的类,查询和结果的SQL进行更多的重点对话。
B) @一对一比较棘手。如果它绝对不是空的,那就用Rob H吧。的建议,并具体说明如下:
@OneToOne(optional = false, fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
@OneToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
public OtherEntity getOther()
@OneToOne(mappedBy = "other")
public OwnerEntity getOwner()
As already perfectly explained by ChssPly76, Hibernate's proxies don't help with unconstrained (nullable) one-to-one associations, BUT there is a trick explained here to avoid to set up instrumentation. The idea is to fool Hibernate that the entity class which we want to use has been already instrumented: you instrument it manually in the source code. It's easy! I've implemented it with CGLib as bytecode provider and it works (ensure that you configure lazy="no-proxy" and fetch="select", not "join", in your HBM).