



事件被分派到它的目标 EventTarget和任何事件监听器 发现有触发。冒泡 事件将触发任何 找到的其他事件侦听器 跟随EventTarget的父对象 链条向上,检查任何事件 侦听器注册在 连续EventTarget。这个向上 延续到和 包括《文件》。


<ul onclick="alert(event.type + '!')">




var newLi = document.createElement('li');
newLi.innerHTML = 'Four';



Another benefit to event delegation is that the total memory footprint used by event listeners goes down (since the number of event bindings go down). It may not make much of a difference to small pages that unload often (i.e. user's navigate to different pages often). But for long-lived applications it can be significant. There are some really difficult-to-track-down situations when elements removed from the DOM still claim memory (i.e. they leak), and often this leaked memory is tied to an event binding. With event delegation you're free to destroy child elements without risk of forgetting to "unbind" their event listeners (since the listener is on the ancestor). These types of memory leaks can then be contained (if not eliminated, which is freaking hard to do sometimes. IE I'm looking at you).


JavaScript事件委托如何工作 事件委托与事件处理 delegate是事件委托+选择器规范 jQuery。On在传递选择器作为第二个参数时使用事件委托 没有JavaScript库的事件委托 闭包vs事件委托:查看不将代码转换为使用事件委托的优点 PPK为委派焦点和模糊事件(不会出现气泡)提供了有趣的方法



Imagine an HTML table with 10 columns and 100 rows in which you want something to happen when the user clicks on a table cell. For example, I once had to make each cell of a table of that size editable when clicked. Adding event handlers to each of the 1000 cells would be a major performance problem and, potentially, a source of browser-crashing memory leaks. Instead, using event delegation, you would add only one event handler to the table element, intercept the click event and determine which cell was clicked.



事件被分派到它的目标 EventTarget和任何事件监听器 发现有触发。冒泡 事件将触发任何 找到的其他事件侦听器 跟随EventTarget的父对象 链条向上,检查任何事件 侦听器注册在 连续EventTarget。这个向上 延续到和 包括《文件》。


<ul onclick="alert(event.type + '!')">




var newLi = document.createElement('li');
newLi.innerHTML = 'Four';



Another benefit to event delegation is that the total memory footprint used by event listeners goes down (since the number of event bindings go down). It may not make much of a difference to small pages that unload often (i.e. user's navigate to different pages often). But for long-lived applications it can be significant. There are some really difficult-to-track-down situations when elements removed from the DOM still claim memory (i.e. they leak), and often this leaked memory is tied to an event binding. With event delegation you're free to destroy child elements without risk of forgetting to "unbind" their event listeners (since the listener is on the ancestor). These types of memory leaks can then be contained (if not eliminated, which is freaking hard to do sometimes. IE I'm looking at you).


JavaScript事件委托如何工作 事件委托与事件处理 delegate是事件委托+选择器规范 jQuery。On在传递选择器作为第二个参数时使用事件委托 没有JavaScript库的事件委托 闭包vs事件委托:查看不将代码转换为使用事件委托的优点 PPK为委派焦点和模糊事件(不会出现气泡)提供了有趣的方法




<ul id="parent-list">
  <li id="post-1">Item 1</li>
  <li id="post-2">Item 2</li>
  <li id="post-3">Item 3</li>
  <li id="post-4">Item 4</li>
  <li id="post-5">Item 5</li>
  <li id="post-6">Item 6</li>

Let's also say that something needs to happen when each child element is clicked. You could add a separate event listener to each individual LI element, but what if LI elements are frequently added and removed from the list? Adding and removing event listeners would be a nightmare, especially if addition and removal code is in different places within your app. The better solution is to add an event listener to the parent UL element. But if you add the event listener to the parent, how will you know which element was clicked?


// Get the element, add a click listener...
document.getElementById("parent-list").addEventListener("click", function(e) {
    // e.target is the clicked element!
    // If it was a list item
    if(e.target && e.target.nodeName == "LI") {
        // List item found!  Output the ID!
        console.log("List item ", e.target.id.replace("post-"), " was clicked!");

Start by adding a click event listener to the parent element. When the event listener is triggered, check the event element to ensure it's the type of element to react to. If it is an LI element, boom: we have what we need! If it's not an element that we want, the event can be ignored. This example is pretty simple -- UL and LI is a straight-forward comparison. Let's try something more difficult. Let's have a parent DIV with many children but all we care about is an A tag with the classA CSS class:

// Get the parent DIV, add click listener...
document.getElementById("myDiv").addEventListener("click",function(e) {
    // e.target was the clicked element
    if(e.target && e.target.nodeName == "A") {
        // Get the CSS classes
        var classes = e.target.className.split(" ");
        // Search for the CSS class!
        if(classes) {
            // For every CSS class the element has...
            for(var x = 0; x < classes.length; x++) {
                // If it has the CSS class we want...
                if(classes[x] == "classA") {
                    // Bingo!
                    console.log("Anchor element clicked!");
                    // Now do something here....





