根据MSDN, Median在Transact-SQL中不能作为聚合函数使用。但是,我想知道是否可以创建此功能(使用create Aggregate函数、用户定义函数或其他方法)。



使用COUNT聚合, 首先可以计算有多少行,并存储在一个名为@cnt的变量中。然后 你可以计算OFFSET-FETCH过滤器的参数来指定,基于数量排序, 要跳过多少行(偏移值)和筛选多少行(获取值)。

行数 跳过是(@cnt - 1) / 2。很明显,对于奇数,这个计算是正确的,因为 首先对单个中间值减去1,然后再除以2。

这也适用于偶数计数,因为表达式中使用的除法是 整数除法;所以,当一个偶数减去1时,你得到的是一个奇数。

When dividing that odd value by 2, the fraction part of the result (.5) is truncated. The number of rows to fetch is 2 - (@cnt % 2). The idea is that when the count is odd the result of the modulo operation is 1, and you need to fetch 1 row. When the count is even the result of the modulo operation is 0, and you need to fetch 2 rows. By subtracting the 1 or 0 result of the modulo operation from 2, you get the desired 1 or 2, respectively. Finally, to compute the median quantity, take the one or two result quantities, and apply an average after converting the input integer value to a numeric one as follows:

DECLARE @cnt AS INT = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [Sales].[production].[stocks]);
SELECT AVG(1.0 * quantity) AS median
FROM ( SELECT quantity
FROM [Sales].[production].[stocks]
ORDER BY quantity
OFFSET (@cnt - 1) / 2 ROWS FETCH NEXT 2 - @cnt % 2 ROWS ONLY ) AS D;



 ( max(a.[Value1]) + min(a.[Value1]) ) / 2 as [Median Value1]
,( max(a.[Value2]) + min(a.[Value2]) ) / 2 as [Median Value2]

from (select
    datediff(dd,startdate,enddate) as [Value1]
    ,xxxxxxxxxxxxxx as [Value2]
     from dbo.table1


我想自己想出一个解决办法,但我的大脑绊倒了。我觉得很管用,但别让我早上解释。: P

    Number int not null

insert into @table select 2;
insert into @table select 4;
insert into @table select 9;
insert into @table select 15;
insert into @table select 22;
insert into @table select 26;
insert into @table select 37;
insert into @table select 49;

SELECT @Count = COUNT(*) FROM @table;

WITH MyResults(RowNo, Number) AS
    SELECT RowNo, Number FROM
        (SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY Number) AS RowNo, Number FROM @table) AS Foo
SELECT AVG(Number) FROM MyResults WHERE RowNo = (@Count+1)/2 OR RowNo = ((@Count+1)%2) * ((@Count+2)/2)

如果你想在SQL Server中使用创建聚合函数,这是如何做到的。这样做的好处是能够编写干净的查询。注意,这个过程可以很容易地计算一个百分位值。

创建一个新的Visual Studio项目,并将目标框架设置为。net 3.5(这是针对SQL 2008的,在SQL 2012中可能有所不同)。然后创建一个类文件,并放入以下代码或c#等效代码:

Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Server
Imports System.Data.SqlTypes
Imports System.IO

<SqlUserDefinedAggregate(Format.UserDefined, IsInvariantToNulls:=True, IsInvariantToDuplicates:=False, _
  IsInvariantToOrder:=True, MaxByteSize:=-1, IsNullIfEmpty:=True)>
Public Class Median
  Implements IBinarySerialize
  Private _items As List(Of Decimal)

  Public Sub Init()
    _items = New List(Of Decimal)()
  End Sub

  Public Sub Accumulate(value As SqlDecimal)
    If Not value.IsNull Then
    End If
  End Sub

  Public Sub Merge(other As Median)
    If other._items IsNot Nothing Then
    End If
  End Sub

  Public Function Terminate() As SqlDecimal
    If _items.Count <> 0 Then
      Dim result As Decimal
      _items = _items.OrderBy(Function(i) i).ToList()
      If _items.Count Mod 2 = 0 Then
        result = ((_items((_items.Count / 2) - 1)) + (_items(_items.Count / 2))) / 2@
        result = _items((_items.Count - 1) / 2)
      End If

      Return New SqlDecimal(result)
      Return New SqlDecimal()
    End If
  End Function

  Public Sub Read(r As BinaryReader) Implements IBinarySerialize.Read
    'deserialize it from a string
    Dim list = r.ReadString()
    _items = New List(Of Decimal)

    For Each value In list.Split(","c)
      Dim number As Decimal
      If Decimal.TryParse(value, number) Then
      End If

  End Sub

  Public Sub Write(w As BinaryWriter) Implements IBinarySerialize.Write
    'serialize the list to a string
    Dim list = ""

    For Each item In _items
      If list <> "" Then
        list += ","
      End If      
      list += item.ToString()
  End Sub
End Class

然后编译它,并将DLL和PDB文件复制到您的SQL Server机器,在SQL Server中运行以下命令:

CREATE ASSEMBLY CustomAggregate FROM '{path to your DLL}'

CREATE AGGREGATE Median(@value decimal(9, 3))
RETURNS decimal(9, 3) 
EXTERNAL NAME [CustomAggregate].[{namespace of your DLL}.Median];

然后你可以写一个查询来计算中位数,就像这样: SELECT dbo.Median(Field) FROM Table


with cte as (select salary, ROW_NUMBER() over (order by salary asc) as num from employees)

select avg(salary) from cte where num in ((select (count(*)+1)/2 from employees), (select (count(*)+2)/2 from employees));


SELECT x.Amount 
FROM   (SELECT amount, 
               Count(1) OVER (partition BY 'A')        AS TotalRows, 
               Row_number() OVER (ORDER BY Amount ASC) AS AmountOrder 
        FROM   facttransaction ft) x 
WHERE  x.AmountOrder = Round(x.TotalRows / 2.0, 0)