

在任何特定的时间,客户端可以处于之间的转换 应用程序处于“静止”状态。处于休息状态的客户端可以 与用户交互,但不创建负载,也不消耗每个客户端 服务器集或网络上的存储。


我知道REST的一个目标是使URI访问一致且可用,例如,不是在帖子中隐藏分页请求,而是使请求的页码成为get URI的一部分。对我来说很有道理。但是,说每个客户端数据(会话数据)都不应该存储在服务器端似乎有点过头了。





我发现了一个堆栈溢出的问题,它的答案并不能让我一直走到那里: 如何在REST中管理状态 这说明客户端状态很重要,应该在每个请求上都传输....Ugg . .看起来开销很大…这样对吗??















给每件“东西”一个ID 把事物联系起来 使用标准方法 具有多个表示形式的资源 无状态通信





寻求帮助/信息的评论将/应该被标记为 不再需要。


Stateless means the state of the service doesn’t persist between subsequent requests and response. Each request carries its own user credentials and is individually authenticated. But in stateful each request is known from any prior request. All stateful requests are session-oriented i.e. each request need to know and retain changes made in previous requests. Banking application is an example of stateful application. Where user first login then make transaction and logs out. If after logout user will try to make the transaction, he will not be able to do so. Yes, http protocol is essentially a stateless protocol but to make it stateful we make us of HTTP cookies. So, is SOAP by default. But it can be make stateful likewise, depends upon framework you are using. HTTP is stateless but still we can maintain session in our java application by using different session tracking mechanism. Yes, We can also maintain session in webservice whether it is REST or SOAP. It can be implemented by using any third party library or you can implement by our own.





不保持会话并每次都登录是什么意思? 有些意思是“每次都发送密码”,这太愚蠢了。有些人说“不,当然不是,而是发送一个令牌”——你瞧,PHP会话就是这么做的。它发送一个会话id,这是一种令牌,它可以帮助你到达你的个人物品,而不必每次都重发u/pw。它也非常可靠,并且经过了良好的测试。是的,方便也会变成缺点,见下一段。


What you should do, instead, and what makes real sense, is thin your webserver footprint to the minimum. Languages like PHP make it very easy to just stuff everything in the session storage - but sessions have a price tag. If you have several webservers, they need to share session info, because they share the load too - any of them may have to serve the next request. A shared storage is a must. Server needs to know at least if someone's logged in or not. (And if you bother the database every time you need to decide this, you're practically doomed.) Shared storages need to be a lot faster than the database. This brings the temptation: okay, I have a very fast storage, why not do everything there? - and that's where things go nasty in the other way.


Again, it's your decision. You can store stuff there for performance reasons (database is almost always slower than Redis), you can store information redundantly, implement your own caching, whatever - just keep in mind that web servers will have a bigger load if you store a lot of rubbish on them. Also, if they break under heavy loads (and they will), you lose valuable information; with the REST way of thinking, all that happens in this case is the client sends the same (!) request again and it gets served this time.


No one-fits-all solution here. I'd say choose a level of statelessness and go with that. Sessions may be loved by some and hated by others but they're not going anywhere. With every request, send as much information as makes sense, a bit more perhaps; but don't interpret statelessness as not having a session, nor as logging in every time. Somehow the server must know it's you; PHP session ids are one good way, manually generated tokens are another. Think and decide - don't let design trends think for you.

REST is stateless and doesn’t maintain any states between the requests. Client cookies / headers are set to maintain the user state like authentication. Say Client username/password are validated by third part authentication mechanism – 2nd level OTP gerneation etc. Once user get authenticated – headers /cookies comes to rest service end point exposed and we can assume user as auth since user is coming with valid headers/cookies. Now certain info of user like IP is either maintained in the cache and after that if request is coming from same Ip (mac address) for listed resources User is allowed. And cache is maintained for some particular time which get invalidated once time lapses. So either cache can be used or DB entries can be used to persist info b/w the requests.











If the server has to store some client-side state to identify you, it has to store it in RAM longer than just the time it takes to process your requests, or else it has to cache that data. Servers have limited amounts of RAM and cache, not to mention processor speed. Server-side state adds to all three, exponentially. Plus if the server is going to store any state about your sessions then it has to store it separately for each browser and app you're currently logged in with, and also for each different device you use.

所以…我希望您现在明白为什么REST对于可伸缩性如此重要。 我希望您可以开始理解为什么服务器端会话状态之于服务器可伸缩性,就像焊接铁砧之于汽车加速。


The whole concept is different... You don't need to manage sessions if you are trying to implement RESTFul protocol. In that case it is better to do authentication procedure on every request (whereas there is an extra cost to it in terms of performance - hashing password would be a good example. not a big deal...). If you use sessions - how can you distribute load across multiple servers? I bet RESTFul protocol is meant to eliminate sessions whatsoever - you don't really need them... That's why it is called "stateless". Sessions are only required when you cannot store anything other than Cookie on a client side after a reqest has been made (take old, non Javascript/HTML5-supporting browser as an example). In case of "full-featured" RESTFul client it is usually safe to store base64(login:password) on a client side (in memory) until the applictation is still loaded - the application is used to access to the only host and the cookie cannot be compromised by the third party scripts...

我强烈建议禁用RESTFul服务的cookie认证…检查Basic/Digest Auth -这对于基于rest的服务应该足够了。