
function Restaurant() {}

Restaurant.prototype.buy_food = function(){
   // something here

Restaurant.prototype.use_restroom = function(){
   // something here


var restaurant = new Restaurant();



Restaurant.prototype.use_restroom = function() {


var r = new Restaurant();


我读过Doug Crockford的文章几次,但它似乎不像“私有”方法可以被公共方法调用,而“特权”方法可以被外部调用。





var myClass = (function() {
    // Private class properties go here

    var blueprint = function() {
        // Private instance properties go here

    blueprint.prototype = { 
        // Public class properties go here

    return  {
         // Public class properties go here
        create : function() { return new blueprint(); }



var Restaurant = function() { var totalfoodcount = 0; // Private class property var totalrestroomcount = 0; // Private class property var Restaurant = function(name){ var foodcount = 0; // Private instance property var restroomcount = 0; // Private instance property this.name = name this.incrementFoodCount = function() { foodcount++; totalfoodcount++; this.printStatus(); }; this.incrementRestroomCount = function() { restroomcount++; totalrestroomcount++; this.printStatus(); }; this.getRestroomCount = function() { return restroomcount; }, this.getFoodCount = function() { return foodcount; } }; Restaurant.prototype = { name : '', buy_food : function(){ this.incrementFoodCount(); }, use_restroom : function(){ this.incrementRestroomCount(); }, getTotalRestroomCount : function() { return totalrestroomcount; }, getTotalFoodCount : function() { return totalfoodcount; }, printStatus : function() { document.body.innerHTML += '<h3>Buying food at '+this.name+'</h3>' + '<ul>' + '<li>Restroom count at ' + this.name + ' : '+ this.getRestroomCount() + '</li>' + '<li>Food count at ' + this.name + ' : ' + this.getFoodCount() + '</li>' + '<li>Total restroom count : '+ this.getTotalRestroomCount() + '</li>' + '<li>Total food count : '+ this.getTotalFoodCount() + '</li>' + '</ul>'; } }; return { // Singleton public properties create : function(name) { return new Restaurant(name); }, printStatus : function() { document.body.innerHTML += '<hr />' + '<h3>Overview</h3>' + '<ul>' + '<li>Total restroom count : '+ Restaurant.prototype.getTotalRestroomCount() + '</li>' + '<li>Total food count : '+ Restaurant.prototype.getTotalFoodCount() + '</li>' + '</ul>' + '<hr />'; } }; }(); var Wendys = Restaurant.create("Wendy's"); var McDonalds = Restaurant.create("McDonald's"); var KFC = Restaurant.create("KFC"); var BurgerKing = Restaurant.create("Burger King"); Restaurant.printStatus(); Wendys.buy_food(); Wendys.use_restroom(); KFC.use_restroom(); KFC.use_restroom(); Wendys.use_restroom(); McDonalds.buy_food(); BurgerKing.buy_food(); Restaurant.printStatus(); BurgerKing.buy_food(); Wendys.use_restroom(); McDonalds.buy_food(); KFC.buy_food(); Wendys.buy_food(); BurgerKing.buy_food(); McDonalds.buy_food(); Restaurant.printStatus();


下面是我创建的类,用来理解Douglas Crockford在他的网站Private Members in JavaScript中的建议

function Employee(id, name) { //Constructor
    //Public member variables
    this.id = id;
    this.name = name;
    //Private member variables
    var fName;
    var lName;
    var that = this;
    //By convention, we create a private variable 'that'. This is used to     
    //make the object available to the private methods. 

    //Private function
    function setFName(pfname) {
        fName = pfname;
        alert('setFName called');
    //Privileged function
    this.setLName = function (plName, pfname) {
        lName = plName;  //Has access to private variables
        setFName(pfname); //Has access to private function
        alert('setLName called ' + this.id); //Has access to member variables
    //Another privileged member has access to both member variables and private variables
    //Note access of this.dataOfBirth created by public member setDateOfBirth
    this.toString = function () {
        return 'toString called ' + this.id + ' ' + this.name + ' ' + fName + ' ' + lName + ' ' + this.dataOfBirth; 
//Public function has access to member variable and can create on too but does not have access to private variable
Employee.prototype.setDateOfBirth = function (dob) {
    alert('setDateOfBirth called ' + this.id);
    this.dataOfBirth = dob;   //Creates new public member note this is accessed by toString
    //alert(fName); //Does not have access to private member
    var employee = new Employee(5, 'Shyam'); //Create a new object and initialize it with constructor
    employee.setLName('Bhaskar', 'Ram');  //Call privileged function
    employee.setDateOfBirth('1/1/2000');  //Call public function
    employee.id = 9;                     //Set up member value
    //employee.setFName('Ram');  //can not call Private Privileged method
    alert(employee.toString());  //See the changed object




如果你检查它,你会发现它很容易实现。在大多数情况下,你不需要做任何奇怪的事情,如使用代理对象,下划线函数(_myprivate), getter或setter。都不是。唯一需要做的事情是在构造函数中放置一段类似的代码片段,目的是让您向外界公开您的公共接口。

((self) => ({
      pubProp: self.pubProp,
      // More public properties to export HERE
      // ...
      pubMethod: self.pubMethod.bind(self)
      // More public mehods to export HERE
      // Be sure bind each of them to self!!!
      // ... 


你仍然可以访问你的隐藏属性和方法,但只能通过你的公共方法,就像OOP应该做的那样。 将这部分代码视为module.exports

顺便说一句,这是没有使用最新的ECMAScript 2022 #添加到语言中。

'use strict'; class MyClass { constructor(pubProp) { let self = this; self.pubProp = pubProp; self.privProp = "I'm a private property!"; return ((self) => ({ pubProp: self.pubProp, // More public properties to export HERE // ... pubMethod: self.pubMethod.bind(self) // More public mehods to export HERE // Be sure to bind each of them to self!!! // ... }))(self); } pubMethod() { console.log("I'm a public method!"); console.log(this.pubProp); return this.privMethod(); } privMethod() { console.log("I'm a private method!"); return this.privProp } } const myObj = new MyClass("I'm a public property!"); console.log("***DUMPING MY NEW INSTANCE***"); console.dir(myObj); console.log(""); console.log("***TESTING ACCESS TO PUBLIC PROPERTIES***"); console.log(myObj.pubProp); console.log(""); console.log("***TESTING ACCESS TO PRIVATE PROPERTIES***"); console.log(myObj.privProp); console.log(""); console.log("***TESTING ACCESS TO PUBLIC METHODS***"); console.log("1. pubMethod access pubProp "); console.log("2. pubMethod calls privMethod"); console.log("3. privMethod access privProp"); console.log("") console.log(myObj.pubMethod()); console.log(""); console.log("***TESTING ACCESS TO PRIVATE METHODS***"); console.log(myObj.privMethod());



function MyObject(arg1, arg2, ...) {
  //constructor code using constructor arguments...
  //create/access public variables as 
  // this.var1 = foo;

  //private variables

  var v1;
  var v2;

  //private functions
  function privateOne() {

  function privateTwon() {

  //public functions

  MyObject.prototype.publicOne = function () {

  MyObject.prototype.publicTwo = function () {




var Person = (function () {

    //Immediately returns an anonymous function which builds our modules 
    return function (name, location) {

        alert("createPerson called with " + name);

        var localPrivateVar = name;

        var localPublicVar = "A public variable";

        var localPublicFunction = function () {
            alert("PUBLIC Func called, private var is :" + localPrivateVar)

        var localPrivateFunction = function () {
            alert("PRIVATE Func called ")

        var setName = function (name) {

            localPrivateVar = name;


        return {

            publicVar: localPublicVar,

            location: location,

            publicFunction: localPublicFunction,

            setName: setName



//Request a Person instance - should print "createPerson called with ben"
var x = Person("ben", "germany");

//Request a Person instance - should print "createPerson called with candide"
var y = Person("candide", "belgium");

//Prints "ben"

//Prints "candide"

//Now call a public function which sets the value of a private variable in the x instance
x.setName("Ben 2");

//Shouldn't have changed this : prints "candide"

//Should have changed this : prints "Ben 2"

JSFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/northkildonan/kopj3dt3/1/