在更新到Android Studio 2后,当我试图运行我的应用程序并选择一个模拟器时,我等待模拟器启动,它突然被杀死。我可以看到模拟器进程几分钟,但从来没有GUI。在Android studio中,我得到了错误

android studio Error while waiting for the device: The emulator process for AVD was killed

即使我在Android Studio之外运行模拟器也会发生这种情况。我试用了Android 6和基于Android 4.4的模拟器。 在Windows 7 x64 PC上运行。类似于另一个StackOverflow帖子被关闭。我尝试了各种ram、VM堆和分辨率设置。





我以前也遇到过这种情况。现在应该通过升级到Android Studio 4.1.1来解决


谷歌播放Intel x86 Atom System Image Android模拟器 Android SDK平台工具&构建工具

重新启动Android Studio。这似乎有用

I have been struggling with the The emulator process for AVD Pixel_2_API_30 was killed for a while now. I was trying to launch a Pixel 2 API 30 running android 11.0, I tried all the possible solutions but nothing seemed to work. I decided t use a different setup e.g. Pixel 2 API 28 running android 9.0, and it worked perfectly. I am not sure what causes the bug in the higher-level API or android version though... So my suggestion is to change the API and android version IF all of the other solutions didn't work.

我认为这是Android studio 2更新的问题或要解决的问题,请更新Android sdk版本,然后正常工作。


转到:工具> Android > AVD管理器 按下你的AVD旁边的“编辑”(铅笔)图标 将“图形”更改为“软件”。