在更新到Android Studio 2后,当我试图运行我的应用程序并选择一个模拟器时,我等待模拟器启动,它突然被杀死。我可以看到模拟器进程几分钟,但从来没有GUI。在Android studio中,我得到了错误
android studio Error while waiting for the device: The emulator process for AVD was killed
即使我在Android Studio之外运行模拟器也会发生这种情况。我试用了Android 6和基于Android 4.4的模拟器。
在Windows 7 x64 PC上运行。类似于另一个StackOverflow帖子被关闭。我尝试了各种ram、VM堆和分辨率设置。
如果使用Mac Intel酷睿i7,请选择“x86”作为ABI。在“Virtual Device Configuration”界面中,有三个页签:
选项卡1和2很可能具有适合您计算机的ABI。但我曾经错误地去了Other Images,选择了arm64-v8a的ABI。
这两个答案的概括是确保您选择的ABI与您的计算机兼容。例如,在我的“Other Images”选项卡上,它明确地警告我“考虑在x86主机上使用x86系统映像以获得更好的模拟性能”,但不幸的是,直到后来我试图解决这个问题时才看到这个警告。
first thing is to find the logs of Android studio. In doubt, stackoverflow already has a section to help you How to find the logs on android studio?. The text file should be named: "idea.log". You can open it with notepad, but only open it after android studio is closed (in windows 10).
There will be a lot of events inside. Search by "manager.EmulatorProcessHandler" and the last date that you had the error. A good trick to facilitate your life, after having found the log file, is to close Android studio: delete the log file; reopen android studio and retry to open the emulator. The log file will be recreated with a lot less history and so it will be so much easier to search.
In my case, i found: manager.EmulatorProcessHandler - Emulator: emulator: ERROR: Another emulator instance is running. Please close it or run all emulators with -read-only flag.. Given that, it is easy to solve. I just had to open a process manager and terminate the emu process that didn't correctly close for some unknown reason.
Of course, in our case the log will be completely different. But now you have a clue of the hidden criminal.