在更新到Android Studio 2后,当我试图运行我的应用程序并选择一个模拟器时,我等待模拟器启动,它突然被杀死。我可以看到模拟器进程几分钟,但从来没有GUI。在Android studio中,我得到了错误

android studio Error while waiting for the device: The emulator process for AVD was killed

即使我在Android Studio之外运行模拟器也会发生这种情况。我试用了Android 6和基于Android 4.4的模拟器。 在Windows 7 x64 PC上运行。类似于另一个StackOverflow帖子被关闭。我尝试了各种ram、VM堆和分辨率设置。


我以前也遇到过这种情况。现在应该通过升级到Android Studio 4.1.1来解决


谷歌播放Intel x86 Atom System Image Android模拟器 Android SDK平台工具&构建工具

重新启动Android Studio。这似乎有用



我重新安装了Intel x86 Emulator Accelerator (HAXM安装程序)


配置->设置->外观和行为\系统设置\Android SDK -> SDK工具(选项卡)->取消选择“Intel x86 Emulator Accelerator (HAXM installer)”-> OK

现在,当你试图运行你的应用程序,或从AVD管理器启动设备时,它会给出“安装模拟器”错误->单击确定。这将自动下载新的“Intel x86 Emulator Accelerator (HAXM installer)”,我选择了512 RAM,它可以工作。

之后,我再次进行了所有这些处理,并选择了2 GB的RAM,它仍然工作。


工具-> SDK管理器-> SDK工具(选项卡)->取消选择“Android模拟器”-> OK

现在,当你试图运行你的应用程序,或从AVD管理器启动设备时,它会给出“安装模拟器”错误->单击确定。 这将自动下载正确的版本。

我有同样的问题,问题是没有足够的空间在我的磁盘驱动器..你可以在“事件日志”层中看到关于你具体情况的详细信息,这一层通常位于Android studio的底部,它是我的输出日志:

"02:45 PM模拟器:模拟器:错误:没有足够的空间来创建用户数据分区。可用:3310.363281 MB /home/user/.android/avd/my_Nexus_5X_API_27。avd,需要7372.80万MB。



Install and reinstall HAXM 7.5.6 (only available version) under 'Android SDK' settings. Try downloading it manually, even other versions (they don't work with Android SDK), installing it from the Android/Sdk folder, etc. sc query intelhaxm in cmd should show if it is running correctly. Virtualization is enabled in your BIOS and has been tested Made sure the PATH variables are correct (ANDROID_HOME / ANDROID_SDK_ROOT) but NOT (ANDROID_SDK_HOME) to the folder in your settings per Here. Otherwise, you will see EVENTS on the Android Studio splash screen. Try unchecking / rechecking Launch in a tool window in Emulator settings (and even Enable Device Frame in AVD settings) Try rebuilding in several different combinations of android, different phones, etc (but with same levels and packages ... 30 for example) Try Rebooting in several different configurations Make sure all SDK Tools are up-to-date, and even try a fresh install of Android Studio. However, tried removing all of them, and adding them back. Check your space, try to have 25GB maybe or more free Check for Virtual Box, Antivirus Software, etc. Open Android Studio with Administrator privileges


A)在不插任何插头的情况下运行模拟器,然后插回显示器!(我知道很奇怪)……或者更好的是…… B)创建一个新的硬件配置文件,它将使您能够将图形:自动更改为软件。