


(defn def-let [aVec]
  (if-not (even? (count aVec))
    (let [aKey (atom "")       
          counter (atom 0)]
      (doseq [item aVec]
        (if (even? @counter) 
          (reset! aKey  item)           
          (intern *ns*  (symbol @aKey)  (eval item)))
        ;   (prn  item)       
    (swap! counter inc)))))


(def-let '[a 1 b 2 c (atom 0)])


我最喜欢的方法是在整个代码中自由地散布printlns。多亏了#_ reader宏,打开和关闭它们很容易(它使阅读器以下面的形式阅读,然后假装从未见过它)。或者你可以使用宏扩展为传入体或nil,这取决于一些特殊变量的值,例如*debug*:

(defmacro debug-do [& body]
  (when *debug*
    `(do ~@body)))

这里有一个(def *debug* false),它将扩展为nil。如果是真的,它就会扩张到裹着do的身体。

对这个SO问题的公认答案:用于进度报告的Idiomatic Clojure ?在调试序列操作时非常有用。

Then there's something which is currently incompatible with swank-clojure's REPL, but is too good not to mention: debug-repl. You can use it in a standalone REPL, which is easy to get e.g. with Leiningen (lein repl); and if you're launching your programme from the command line, then it's going to bring its own REPL up right in your terminal. The idea is that you can drop the debug-repl macro in anywhere you like and have it bring up its own REPL when the programme's execution reaches that point, with all locals in scope etc. A couple of relevant links: The Clojure debug-repl, Clojure debug-repl tricks, how 'bout a debug-repl (on the Clojure Google group), debug-repl on Clojars.


(fn [& args] ...)
(fn tag [& args] ...)

example stacktrace entries:
1: user$eval__3130$fn__3131.invoke(NO_SOURCE_FILE:1)
vs.                ^^
1: user$eval__3138$tag__3139.invoke(NO_SOURCE_FILE:1)


;;debugging parts of expressions
(defmacro dbg[x] `(let [x# ~x] (println "dbg:" '~x "=" x#) x#))


;; Examples of dbg
(println (+ (* 2 3) (dbg (* 8 9))))
(println (dbg (println "yo")))
(defn factorial[n] (if (= n 0) 1 (* n (dbg (factorial (dec n))))))
(factorial 8)

(def integers (iterate inc 0))
(def squares  (map #(dbg(* % %))   integers))
(def cubes    (map #(dbg(* %1 %2)) integers squares))
(take 5 cubes)
(take 5 cubes)

使用spyscope实现一个自定义阅读器宏,这样你的调试代码也是生产代码 https://github.com/dgrnbrg/spyscope


(defn def-let [aVec]
  (if-not (even? (count aVec))
    (let [aKey (atom "")       
          counter (atom 0)]
      (doseq [item aVec]
        (if (even? @counter) 
          (reset! aKey  item)           
          (intern *ns*  (symbol @aKey)  (eval item)))
        ;   (prn  item)       
    (swap! counter inc)))))


(def-let '[a 1 b 2 c (atom 0)])

从2016年开始,你可以使用Debux,这是Clojure/Script的一个简单调试库,可以与repl以及浏览器的控制台一起工作。您可以在代码中添加dbg (debug)或clog (console.log)宏,并轻松观察各个函数的结果,等等,打印到您的REPL和/或控制台。


Basic usage This is a simple example. The macro dbg prints an original form and pretty-prints the evaluated value on the REPL window. Then it returns the value without interfering with the code execution. If you wrap the code with dbg like this, (* 2 (dbg (+ 10 20))) ; => 60 the following will be printed in the REPL window. REPL output: dbg: (+ 10 20) => 30 Nested dbg The dbg macro can be nested. (dbg (* 2 (dbg (+ 10 20)))) ; => 60 REPL output: `dbg: (+ 10 20) => 30` dbg: (* 2 (dbg (+ 10 20))) => 60