
问题似乎出在邮件上。Message模块期望与smtplb .sendmail()函数不同的内容。


from email.MIMEMultipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.MIMEText import MIMEText
import smtplib

msg = MIMEMultipart()
msg["Subject"] = "Example"
msg["From"] = "me@example.com"
msg["To"] = "malcom@example.com,reynolds@example.com,firefly@example.com"
msg["Cc"] = "serenity@example.com,inara@example.com"
body = MIMEText("example email body")
smtp = smtplib.SMTP("mailhost.example.com", 25)
smtp.sendmail(msg["From"], msg["To"].split(",") + msg["Cc"].split(","), msg.as_string())


这是一个老问题。我发布新答案的主要原因是解释如何用Python 3.6+中的现代电子邮件库解决问题,以及它与旧版本的区别;但首先,让我们回顾一下Anony-Mousse在2012年的回答。


在SMTP术语中,这称为消息的信封。在协议级别上,您连接到服务器,然后告诉它消息来自谁(MAIL from: SMTP动词)以及将消息发送给谁(RCPT to:),然后分别传输消息本身(DATA),其标题和正文作为一个斜向字符串blob。



注意,下面有大量注释;总的来说,新的EmailMessage API比旧的API更简洁、更通用。

from email.message import EmailMessage

msg = EmailMessage()

# This example uses explicit strings to emphasize that
# that's what these header eventually get turned into
msg["From"] = "me@example.org"
msg["To"] = "main.recipient@example.net, other.main.recipient@example.org"
msg["Cc"] = "secondary@example.com, tertiary@example.eu"
msg["Bcc"] = "invisible@example.int, undisclosed@example.org.au"
msg["Subject"] = "Hello from the other side"

msg.set_content("This is the main text/plain message.")
# You can put an HTML body instead by adding a subtype string argument "html"
# msg.set_content("<p>This is the main text/html message.</p>", "html")

# You can add attachments of various types as you see fit;
# if there are no other parts, the message will be a simple
# text/plain or text/html, but Python will change it into a
# suitable multipart/related or etc if you add more parts
with open("image.png", "rb") as picture:
    msg.add_attachment(picture.read(), maintype="image", subtype="png")

# Which port to use etc depends on the mail server.
# Traditionally, port 25 is SMTP, but modern SMTP MSA submission uses 587.
# Some servers accept encrypted SMTP_SSL on port 465.
# Here, we use SMTP instead of SMTP_SSL, but pivot to encrypted
# traffic with STARTTLS after the initial handshake.
with smtplib.SMTP("smtp.example.org", 587) as server:
    # Some servers insist on this, others are more lenient ...
    # It is technically required by ESMTP, so let's do it
    # (If you use server.login() Python will perform an EHLO first
    # if you haven't done that already, but let's cover all bases)
    # Whether or not to use STARTTLS depends on the mail server
    # Bewilderingly, some servers require a second EHLO after STARTTLS!
    # Login is the norm rather than the exception these days
    # but if you are connecting to a local mail server which is
    # not on the public internet, this might not be useful or even possible
    server.login("me.myself@example.org", "xyzzy")

    # Finally, send the message


This obviously sends a single message to all recipients in one go. That is generally what you should be doing if you are sending the same message to a lot of people. However, if each message is unique, you will need to loop over the recipients and create and send a new message for each. (Merely wishing to put the recipient's name and address in the To: header is probably not enough to warrant sending many more messages than required, but of course, sometimes you have unique content for each recipient in the body, too.)



import smtplib
import socket

# Import the email modules we'll need
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart

# @param [String] email_list
# @param [String] subject_line
# @param [String] error_message
def sendEmailAlert(email_list="default@email.com", subject_line="Default Subject", error_message="Default Error Message"):
    hostname = socket.gethostname()
    # Create message
    msg = MIMEMultipart()
    msg['Subject'] = subject_line
    msg['From'] = f'no-reply@{hostname}'
    msg['To'] = email_list
    msg.attach(MIMEText(error_message, 'html'))
    # Send the message via SMTP server
    s = smtplib.SMTP('localhost') # Change for remote mail server!
    # Verbose debugging
        s.sendmail(msg['From'], msg['To'].split(","), msg.as_string())
    except Exception as e:
        print(f'EMAIL ISSUE: {e}')



如果您想使用smtplib向多个收件人发送电子邮件,请使用email. message。add_header('To', eachRecipientAsString)来添加它们,然后当您调用sendmail方法时,使用email.Message.get_all('To')将消息发送给所有它们。抄送和密送收件人也是如此。


toaddr = ['mailid_1','mailid_2']
cc = ['mailid_3','mailid_4']
bcc = ['mailid_5','mailid_6']
subject = 'Email from Python Code'
fromaddr = 'sender_mailid'
message = "\n  !! Hello... !!"

msg['From'] = fromaddr
msg['To'] = ', '.join(toaddr)
msg['Cc'] = ', '.join(cc)
msg['Bcc'] = ', '.join(bcc)
msg['Subject'] = subject

s.sendmail(fromaddr, (toaddr+cc+bcc) , message)

这是一个老问题。我发布新答案的主要原因是解释如何用Python 3.6+中的现代电子邮件库解决问题,以及它与旧版本的区别;但首先,让我们回顾一下Anony-Mousse在2012年的回答。


在SMTP术语中,这称为消息的信封。在协议级别上,您连接到服务器,然后告诉它消息来自谁(MAIL from: SMTP动词)以及将消息发送给谁(RCPT to:),然后分别传输消息本身(DATA),其标题和正文作为一个斜向字符串blob。



注意,下面有大量注释;总的来说,新的EmailMessage API比旧的API更简洁、更通用。

from email.message import EmailMessage

msg = EmailMessage()

# This example uses explicit strings to emphasize that
# that's what these header eventually get turned into
msg["From"] = "me@example.org"
msg["To"] = "main.recipient@example.net, other.main.recipient@example.org"
msg["Cc"] = "secondary@example.com, tertiary@example.eu"
msg["Bcc"] = "invisible@example.int, undisclosed@example.org.au"
msg["Subject"] = "Hello from the other side"

msg.set_content("This is the main text/plain message.")
# You can put an HTML body instead by adding a subtype string argument "html"
# msg.set_content("<p>This is the main text/html message.</p>", "html")

# You can add attachments of various types as you see fit;
# if there are no other parts, the message will be a simple
# text/plain or text/html, but Python will change it into a
# suitable multipart/related or etc if you add more parts
with open("image.png", "rb") as picture:
    msg.add_attachment(picture.read(), maintype="image", subtype="png")

# Which port to use etc depends on the mail server.
# Traditionally, port 25 is SMTP, but modern SMTP MSA submission uses 587.
# Some servers accept encrypted SMTP_SSL on port 465.
# Here, we use SMTP instead of SMTP_SSL, but pivot to encrypted
# traffic with STARTTLS after the initial handshake.
with smtplib.SMTP("smtp.example.org", 587) as server:
    # Some servers insist on this, others are more lenient ...
    # It is technically required by ESMTP, so let's do it
    # (If you use server.login() Python will perform an EHLO first
    # if you haven't done that already, but let's cover all bases)
    # Whether or not to use STARTTLS depends on the mail server
    # Bewilderingly, some servers require a second EHLO after STARTTLS!
    # Login is the norm rather than the exception these days
    # but if you are connecting to a local mail server which is
    # not on the public internet, this might not be useful or even possible
    server.login("me.myself@example.org", "xyzzy")

    # Finally, send the message


This obviously sends a single message to all recipients in one go. That is generally what you should be doing if you are sending the same message to a lot of people. However, if each message is unique, you will need to loop over the recipients and create and send a new message for each. (Merely wishing to put the recipient's name and address in the To: header is probably not enough to warrant sending many more messages than required, but of course, sometimes you have unique content for each recipient in the body, too.)


# Create message container - the correct MIME type is multipart/alternative.
msg = MIMEMultipart('alternative')
msg['Subject'] = title
msg['From'] = f'support@{config("domain_base")}'
msg['To'] =  "me"
message_content += f"""
    <br /><br />
    Regards,<br />
    Company Name<br />
    The {config("domain_base")} team
body = MIMEText(message_content, 'html')

    smtpObj = smtplib.SMTP('localhost')
    for r in receivers:
        del msg['To']
        msg['To'] =  r #"Customer /n" + r
        smtpObj.sendmail(f"support@{config('domain_base')}", r, msg.as_string())
    return {"message": "Successfully sent email"}
except smtplib.SMTPException:
    return {"message": "Error: unable to send email"}