在javascript中,是否有一个string . indexof()的等效,为第一个参数接受正则表达式而不是字符串,同时仍然允许第二个参数?


str.indexOf(/[abc]/ , i);


str.lastIndexOf(/[abc]/ , i);


编辑: 这比我最初想象的要难,所以我写了一个小测试函数来测试所有提供的解决方案……它假设regexIndexOf和regexLastIndexOf已经添加到String对象中。

function test (str) {
    var i = str.length +2;
    while (i--) {
        if (str.indexOf('a',i) != str.regexIndexOf(/a/,i)) 
            alert (['failed regexIndexOf ' , str,i , str.indexOf('a',i) , str.regexIndexOf(/a/,i)]) ;
        if (str.lastIndexOf('a',i) != str.regexLastIndexOf(/a/,i) ) 
            alert (['failed regexLastIndexOf ' , str,i,str.lastIndexOf('a',i) , str.regexLastIndexOf(/a/,i)]) ;


在 xes 中寻找 a 测试(“xxx”); 测试('axx'); 测试(“xax”); 测试(“XXA”); 测试(“AXA”); 测试(“xaa”); 测试(“AAX”); 测试(“AAA”);



//Jason Bunting's
String.prototype.regexIndexOf = function(regex, startpos) {
var indexOf = this.substring(startpos || 0).search(regex);
return (indexOf >= 0) ? (indexOf + (startpos || 0)) : indexOf;

String.prototype.regexLastIndexOf = function(regex, startpos) {
var lastIndex = -1;
var index = this.regexIndexOf( regex );
startpos = startpos === undefined ? this.length : startpos;

while ( index >= 0 && index < startpos )
    lastIndex = index;
    index = this.regexIndexOf( regex, index + 1 );
return lastIndex;






<script type="text/javascript">

String.prototype.regexIndexOf = function( pattern, startIndex )
    startIndex = startIndex || 0;
    var searchResult = this.substr( startIndex ).search( pattern );
    return ( -1 === searchResult ) ? -1 : searchResult + startIndex;

String.prototype.regexLastIndexOf = function( pattern, startIndex )
    startIndex = startIndex === undefined ? this.length : startIndex;
    var searchResult = this.substr( 0, startIndex ).reverse().regexIndexOf( pattern, 0 );
    return ( -1 === searchResult ) ? -1 : this.length - ++searchResult;

String.prototype.reverse = function()
    return this.split('').reverse().join('');

// Indexes 0123456789
var str = 'caabbccdda';

alert( [
        str.regexIndexOf( /[cd]/, 4 )
    ,   str.regexLastIndexOf( /[cd]/, 4 )
    ,   str.regexIndexOf( /[yz]/, 4 )
    ,   str.regexLastIndexOf( /[yz]/, 4 )
    ,   str.lastIndexOf( 'd', 4 )
    ,   str.regexLastIndexOf( /d/, 4 )
    ,   str.lastIndexOf( 'd' )
    ,   str.regexLastIndexOf( /d/ )




const str = "foo a foo B"; const matches =[…str.matchAll(/[abc]/gi)]; If (matches.length) { const indexOfFirstMatch = matches.at(0).index; const indexOfLastMatch = matches.at(-1).index; console.log (indexOfFirstMatch indexOfLastMatch) }


function lastIndexOfSearch(string, regex, index) {
  if(index === 0 || index)
     string = string.slice(0, Math.max(0,index));
  var idx;
  var offset = -1;
  while ((idx = string.search(regex)) !== -1) {
    offset += idx + 1;
    string = string.slice(idx + 1);
  return offset;


It calls exec on the regex passed in once to verify there is a match or quit early. I do this using (?= in a similar method, but on IE checking with exec is dramatically faster. It constructs and caches a modified regex in the format '(r).(?!.?r)' The new regex is executed and the results from either that exec, or the first exec, are returned; function lastIndexOfGroupSimple(string, regex, index) { if (index === 0 || index) string = string.slice(0, Math.max(0, index + 1)); regex.lastIndex = 0; var lastRegex, index flags = 'g' + (regex.multiline ? 'm' : '') + (regex.ignoreCase ? 'i' : ''), key = regex.source + '$' + flags, match = regex.exec(string); if (!match) return -1; if (lastIndexOfGroupSimple.cache === undefined) lastIndexOfGroupSimple.cache = {}; lastRegex = lastIndexOfGroupSimple.cache[key]; if (!lastRegex) lastIndexOfGroupSimple.cache[key] = lastRegex = new RegExp('.*(' + regex.source + ')(?!.*?' + regex.source + ')', flags); index = match.index; lastRegex.lastIndex = match.index; return (match = lastRegex.exec(string)) ? lastRegex.lastIndex - match[1].length : index; };



我使用string .prototype.match(regex),它返回一个字符串数组,所有找到的匹配给定的正则表达式在字符串(更多信息见这里):

function getLastIndex(text, regex, limit = text.length) { const matches = text.match(regex); // no matches found if (!matches) { return -1; } // matches found but first index greater than limit if (text.indexOf(matches[0] + matches[0].length) > limit) { return -1; } // reduce index until smaller than limit let i = matches.length - 1; let index = text.lastIndexOf(matches[i]); while (index > limit && i >= 0) { i--; index = text.lastIndexOf(matches[i]); } return index > limit ? -1 : index; } // expect -1 as first index === 14 console.log(getLastIndex('First Sentence. Last Sentence. Unfinished', /\. /g, 10)); // expect 29 console.log(getLastIndex('First Sentence. Last Sentence. Unfinished', /\. /g));