Special danger: in low level programming take great care when multiple interrupt priorities exist (usually there is at least one non-maskable interrupt). In this higher priority pre-emptions can run even if interrupts at the thread priority are disabled (such as priority hardware services, often related to the virtual memory management). Provided a strict priority separation is maintained, the condition for bounded real time must be relaxed and replaced with bounded system time at that priority level. Note in this case not only can the lock holder be pre-empted but the spinner can also be interrupted; this is generally not a problem because there's nothing you can do about it.
还请注意,在某些环境和条件下(例如在调度级别>= dispatch level的windows上运行),您不能使用互斥,而应该使用自旋锁。 在unix上-同样的事情。
这是竞争对手stackexchange unix网站上的等效问题: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/5107/why-are-spin-locks-good-choices-in-linux-kernel-design-instead-of-something-more
windows系统上的调度信息: http://download.microsoft.com/download/e/b/a/eba1050f-a31d-436b-9281-92cdfeae4b45/IRQL_thread.doc
Special danger: in low level programming take great care when multiple interrupt priorities exist (usually there is at least one non-maskable interrupt). In this higher priority pre-emptions can run even if interrupts at the thread priority are disabled (such as priority hardware services, often related to the virtual memory management). Provided a strict priority separation is maintained, the condition for bounded real time must be relaxed and replaced with bounded system time at that priority level. Note in this case not only can the lock holder be pre-empted but the spinner can also be interrupted; this is generally not a problem because there's nothing you can do about it.
Spinlocks can actually perform very poorly on NUMA machines. The issue is easy to understand and very hard to fix (without switching to a mutex, that is). Consider a spinlock that lives in DRAM "near" core A, and threads on A and B contending for that lock. Assume that B is remote from this DRAM. As we all know, this means that memory accesses by A will be 5x or so faster than memory accesses by B, because B's accesses will need to traverse the bus of the NUMA chip, while A's accesses are local and hence avoid that bus traversal.
How would you observe this? In our case, we use LibFabrics, and that library has a few threads that get scattered over multiple cores. Within the LibFabric logic, A and B are spinning to lock and then check a completion queue associated with RDMA hardware. So the effect is that A gets to check this queue 5x more often than B. In cases where an action by B is needed (the completed operation at the head of that queue is owned by B), A effectively starves B for access -- slowing down LibFabrics in an extreme way, that snowballed to greatly impact our Derecho code. We've seen cases where A's access is so strongly favored that B might wait as long as 10ms for the lock -- even though under uncontended situations, B would grab this lock in 0.2us. So, the effect can be quite extreme.
梅基的回答非常准确。然而,在单个处理器上,当任务等待中断服务例程提供的锁时,使用自旋锁可能是有意义的。中断将控制权传递给ISR, ISR将准备好资源供等待任务使用。在将控制权交还给被中断的任务之前,它将以释放锁结束。旋转任务将发现自旋锁可用并继续。