


I'm posting here hoping that others my find my answer helpful. I had a similar problem when I tried to do a stash pop on a different branch than the one I had stashed from. On my case I had no files that were uncommitted or in the index but still got into the merge conflicts case (same case as @pid). As others pointed out previously, the failed git stash pop did indeed retain my stash, then A quick git reset HEAD plus going back to my original branch and doing the stash from there did resolve my problem.



git diff --name-only --cached | xargs git checkout --ours HEAD
git ls-tree stash@{0}^3 --name-only | xargs rm


从man git stash:工作目录必须匹配索引。@DavidG指出,如果当前任何未分段修改的文件发生冲突,隐藏弹出将失败。因此,除了返回HEAD之外,我们不应该担心解除合并冲突。任何剩余的修改文件都与存储无关,并且是在存储弹出之前修改的

如果有阶段性的变化,我不清楚我们是否可以依赖相同的命令,你可能想尝试@Ben Jackson的技巧。建议表示赞赏。


# Result:
# Merge succeeded in m (theirs)
# Conflict in b
# Unstaged in a
# Untracked in c and d

# Goal:
# Reverse changes to successful merge m
# Keep our version in merge conflict b
# Keep our unstaged a
# Keep our untracked d
# Delete stashed untracked c

如果DavidG是正确的,它没有弹出隐藏,因为合并冲突,那么你只需要清理你的工作目录。赶快提交你关心的一切。(如果没有完成,可以稍后重置或压缩提交。)然后,你所关心的一切安全,git重置其他一切,git stash弹出转储到你的工作目录。

I'm posting here hoping that others my find my answer helpful. I had a similar problem when I tried to do a stash pop on a different branch than the one I had stashed from. On my case I had no files that were uncommitted or in the index but still got into the merge conflicts case (same case as @pid). As others pointed out previously, the failed git stash pop did indeed retain my stash, then A quick git reset HEAD plus going back to my original branch and doing the stash from there did resolve my problem.


git rm <path to file>
git reset  <path to file>
git checkout <path to file>

使用git reflog列出在git历史中所做的所有更改。复制一个动作id,输入git reset ACTION_ID