






REST stands for representational state transfer. That means that state itself is not transferred but a mere representation of it is. The most common example is a pure HTML server based app (no javascript). The browser knows nothing about the application itself but through links and resources, the server is able transfer the state of the application to the browser. Where a button would normally change a state variable (e.g. page open) in a regular windows application, in the browser you have a link that represents such a state change.


This is my short version of what REST stands for, the problem is that it is hard to implement. I personally say RESTful, when I want to make reference to the REST principles but I know I am not really implementing the whole concept of REST. We don't really say SOAPful, because you either use SOAP or not. I think most people don't do REST the way it was envisioned by it's creator Roy Fielding, we actually implement RESTful or RESTlike architectures. You can see his dissertation, and you will find the REST acronym but not the word RESTful.


REST只是定义了一组规则,说明它是REST api, RESTfull服务遵循这些规则。

上面的答案已经列出了大部分规则,但我知道一个重要的要求,在我的经验中经常被忽视,因为一个真正的REST api必须是超链接驱动的,除了所有HTTP PUT, POST, GET, DELETE爵士。



值得注意的是,RESTfulness有不同的等级。总的来说,REST是一种风格,而不是标准,因此有根据需要进行解释的空间。一个例子是分层资源url(例如/things/ID/relatedthings) vs平面url(例如/things/ID和/relatedthings?thing=ID)
