我在想,为了便于管理,我想把不同类型的CSS拉出到几个文件中,并包括我的主<link />是坏的吗?
positions.css buttons.css tables.css copy.css
我在想,为了便于管理,我想把不同类型的CSS拉出到几个文件中,并包括我的主<link />是坏的吗?
positions.css buttons.css tables.css copy.css
我使用Jammit来处理我的css文件,并使用许多不同的文件来提高可读性。 在部署到生产环境之前,Jammit完成了所有合并和压缩文件的繁琐工作。 这样,我有许多文件在开发中,但只有一个文件在生产中。
I've created a systematic approach to CSS development. This way I can utilize a standard that never changes. First I started with the 960 grid system. Then I created single lines of css for basic layouts, margins, padding, fonts and sizes. I then string them together as needed. This allows me to keep a consistent layout across all of my projects and utilize the same css files over and over. Because they are not specific. Here's an example: ----div class="c12 bg0 m10 p5 white fl"/div--- This means that the container is 12 columns across, utilizes bg0 has margins of 10px padding of 5 the text is white and it floats left. I could easily change this by removing or adding a new - What I call a "light" style- Instead of creating a single class with all these attributes; I simply combine the single styles as I code the page. This allows me to create any combination of styles and does not limit my creativity or cause me to create a massive number of styles that are similar. Your style sheets become a lot more manageable, minimized and allow you to re-use it over and over. This method I have found to be fantastic for rapid design. I also no longer design first in PSD but in the browser which also saves time. In addition because I have also created a naming system for my backgrounds and page design attributes I simply change out my image file when creating a new project.(bg0 = body background according to my naming system) That means that if I previously had a white background with one project simply changing it to black simply means that on the next project bg0 will be a black background or another image..... I have not found anything wrong with this method yet and it seems to work very well.
创建一个包含所有共享代码的通用CSS文件 将所有特定页面的CSS代码插入到同一页面中,在标签上或对每个页面使用属性style=""
通过这种方式,您只有一个包含所有共享代码的CSS和一个HTML页面。 顺便说一下(我知道这不是正确的主题),你也可以在base64编码你的图像(但你也可以用你的js和CSS文件)。通过这种方式,您可以将更多的HTTP请求减少到1。
参见Ross Bruniges博客和MSDN AddRule页面。
我使用Jammit来处理我的css文件,并使用许多不同的文件来提高可读性。 在部署到生产环境之前,Jammit完成了所有合并和压缩文件的繁琐工作。 这样,我有许多文件在开发中,但只有一个文件在生产中。