有没有什么情况下你更喜欢O(log n)时间复杂度而不是O(1)时间复杂度?还是O(n)到O(log n)
有没有什么情况下你更喜欢O(log n)时间复杂度而不是O(1)时间复杂度?还是O(n)到O(log n)
const hasDuplicate = arr => { 对于(设I = 0;I < arrr .length;我+ +){ For(令j = I + 1;J < arrr .length;j + +) { If (arr[i] === arr[j]) { 返回true; } } } 返回错误; }; console.log(hasDuplicate([1,2,3,4])); console.log(hasDuplicate([1,2,4,4]));
const hasDuplicate = arr => new Set(arr)。== arrr .length; console.log(hasDuplicate([1,2,3,4])); console.log(hasDuplicate([1,2,4,4]));
没有额外的内存占用 没有堆内存分配(没有新的) 临时Set没有垃圾收集 早期的救助;在已知副本可能位于数组前面的情况下,不需要检查多个元素。
In real-time environments, for example resource-constrained embedded systems, sometimes complexity sacrifices are made (typically related to caches and memory or scheduling) to avoid incurring occasional worst-case penalties that can't be tolerated because they might cause jitter. Also in embedded programming, the size of the code itself can cause cache pressure, impacting memory performance. If an algorithm has worse complexity but will result in massive code size savings, that might be a reason to choose it over an algorithm that's theoretically better. In most implementations of recursive linearithmic algorithms like quicksort, when the array is small enough, a quadratic sorting algorithm like insertion sort is often called because the overhead of recursive function calls on increasingly tiny arrays tends to outweigh the cost of nested loops. Insertion sort is also fast on mostly-sorted arrays as the inner loop won't run much. This answer discusses this in an older version of Chrome's V8 engine before they moved to Timsort.
用量子过程随机排列数组, 如果数组没有排序,毁灭宇宙。 所有剩下的宇宙现在都被排序了(包括你所在的宇宙)。
(来源:http://catb.org/ esr /术语/ html / B / bogo-sort.html)
我们使用了std::map, std::unordered_map和一个哈希,该哈希最多对字符串长度进行10次采样(我们的键倾向于guidlike,所以这是体面的),以及一个哈希,对每个字符进行采样(理论上减少了冲突),一个未排序的向量,其中我们进行==比较,以及(如果我没记错的话)一个未排序的向量,其中我们还存储了一个哈希,首先比较哈希,然后比较字符。
这些算法的范围从O(1) (unordered_map)到O(n)(线性搜索)。
实际上,对于合理的n大小,O(lgn)为O(1)。如果你的计算机在你的表中只有40亿的空间,那么O(lgn)的上界是32。(lg(2^32)=32)(在计算机科学中,lg是log based 2的简称)。
当O(1)中的“1”工作单元相对于O(log n)中的工作单元非常高,且期望集大小较小时。例如,如果数组中只有两到三个项,那么计算Dictionary哈希码可能比迭代数组要慢。
当O(1)算法中的内存或其他非时间资源需求相对于O(log n)算法非常大时。
考虑一个红黑树。它具有O(log n)的访问、搜索、插入和删除操作。与数组相比,数组的访问权限为O(1),其余操作为O(n)。
因此,对于一个插入、删除或搜索比访问更频繁的应用程序,并且只能在这两种结构之间进行选择,我们更喜欢红黑树。在这种情况下,你可能会说我们更喜欢红黑树更麻烦的O(log n)访问时间。
So the answer to your question is simply this: when the algorithm's growth rate isn't what we want to optimize, when we want to optimize something else. All of the other answers are special cases of this. Sometimes we optimize the run time of other operations. Sometimes we optimize for memory. Sometimes we optimize for security. Sometimes we optimize maintainability. Sometimes we optimize for development time. Even the overriding constant being low enough to matter is optimizing for run time when you know the growth rate of the algorithm isn't the greatest impact on run time. (If your data set was outside this range, you would optimize for the growth rate of the algorithm because it would eventually dominate the constant.) Everything has a cost, and in many cases, we trade the cost of a higher growth rate for the algorithm to optimize something else.
A more general question is if there are situations where one would prefer an O(f(n)) algorithm to an O(g(n)) algorithm even though g(n) << f(n) as n tends to infinity. As others have already mentioned, the answer is clearly "yes" in the case where f(n) = log(n) and g(n) = 1. It is sometimes yes even in the case that f(n) is polynomial but g(n) is exponential. A famous and important example is that of the Simplex Algorithm for solving linear programming problems. In the 1970s it was shown to be O(2^n). Thus, its worse-case behavior is infeasible. But -- its average case behavior is extremely good, even for practical problems with tens of thousands of variables and constraints. In the 1980s, polynomial time algorithms (such a Karmarkar's interior-point algorithm) for linear programming were discovered, but 30 years later the simplex algorithm still seems to be the algorithm of choice (except for certain very large problems). This is for the obvious reason that average-case behavior is often more important than worse-case behavior, but also for a more subtle reason that the simplex algorithm is in some sense more informative (e.g. sensitivity information is easier to extract).