// Program 1
#include <stdio.h>
class Base {
int x;
class Derived : Base { }; // Is equivalent to class Derived : private Base {}
int main()
Derived d;
d.x = 20; // Compiler error because inheritance is private
return 0;
// Program 2
#include <stdio.h>
struct Base {
int x;
struct Derived : Base { }; // Is equivalent to struct Derived : public Base {}
int main()
Derived d;
d.x = 20; // Works fine because inheritance is public
return 0;
Yes, c++ struct is very similar to c++ class, except the fact that everything is publicly inherited, ( single / multilevel / hierarchical inheritance, but not hybrid and multiple inheritance ) here is a code for demonstration #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; struct parent { int data; parent() : data(3){}; // default constructor parent(int x) : data(x){}; // parameterized constructor }; struct child : parent { int a , b; child(): a(1) , b(2){}; // default constructor child(int x, int y) : a(x) , b(y){};// parameterized constructor child(int x, int y,int z) // parameterized constructor { a = x; b = y; data = z; } child(const child &C) // copy constructor { a = C.a; b = C.b; data = C.data; } }; int main() { child c1 , c2(10 , 20), c3(10 , 20, 30), c4(c3); auto print = [](const child &c) { cout<<c.a<<"\t"<<c.b<<"\t"<<c.data<<endl; }; print(c1); print(c2); print(c3); print(c4); } OUTPUT 1 2 3 10 20 3 10 20 30 10 20 30
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