GROUP BY DATEDIFF(MINUTE, '2000', date_column) / 10
SELECT DATEADD(MINUTE, DATEDIFF(MINUTE, '2000', aa.[date]) / 10 * 10, '2000')
AS [date_truncated],
COUNT(*) AS [records_in_interval],
AVG(aa.[value]) AS [average_value]
FROM [friib].[dbo].[archive_analog] AS aa
-- WHERE aa.[date] > '1900-01-01'
GROUP BY DATEDIFF(MINUTE, '2000', aa.[date]) / 10
-- HAVING SUM(aa.[value]) > 1000
ORDER BY [date_truncated]
The MINUTE and 10 terms can be changed to any DATEPART and integer,1 respectively, to group into different time intervals.
e.g. 10 with MINUTE is ten minute intervals; 6 with HOUR is
six hour intervals.
If you change the interval a lot, you might benefit from declaring it as a variable.
DECLARE @interval int = 10;
SELECT DATEADD(MINUTE, DATEDIFF(…) / @interval * @interval, '2000')
GROUP BY DATEDIFF(…) / @interval
Wrapping it with a DATEADD invocation with a multiplier will give you a DATETIME value, which means:
Data sources over long time intervals are fine. Some other answers have collision between years.
Including it in the SELECT statement will give your output a single column with the truncated timestamp.
In the SELECT, the division (/) operation after DATEDIFF truncates values to integers (a FLOOR shortcut), which yields the beginning of time intervals for each row.
If you want to label each row with the middle or end of its interval, you can tweak the division in the second term of DATEADD with the bold part below:
End of interval: …) / 10 * 10 + 10 , '2000'), credit to Daniel Elkington.
Middle of interval: …) / 10 * 10 + (10 / 2.0) , '2000').
如果您的数据跨越几个世纪,3在GROUP BY中使用单个锚定日期数秒或毫秒仍然会遇到溢出。对于这些查询,你可以要求每行将分箱比较锚定到它自己的日期的午夜:
使用DATEADD(DAY, DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, aa.[date]), 0)来代替上面出现的'2000'。您的查询将完全不可读,但它将工作。
1 If you want all :00 timestamps to be eligible for binning, use an integer that your DATEPART's maximum can evenly divide into.4 As a counterexample, grouping results into 13-minute or 37-hour bins will skip some :00s, but it should still work fine.
2 The math says 232 ≈ 4.29E+9. This means for a DATEPART of SECOND, you get 4.3 billion seconds on either side, which works out to "anchor date ± 136 years." Similarly, 232 milliseconds is ≈ 49.7 days.
3 If your data actually spans centuries or millenia and is still accurate to the second or millisecond… congratulations! Whatever you're doing, keep doing it.
4 If you ever wondered why our clocks have a 12 at the top, reflect on how 5 is the only integer from 6 (half of 12) or below that is not a factor of 12. Then note that 5 × 12 = 60. You have lots of choices for bin sizes with hours, minutes, and seconds.