
我已经尝试从pip、easy_install和通过python setup.py从这个repo安装:https://github.com/abielr/mechanize。所有这些都无济于事,因为每次我输入Python交互时,我得到:

Python 2.7.3 (default, Aug  1 2012, 05:14:39) 
[GCC 4.6.3] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import mechanize
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: No module named mechanize



我一直在用脑袋撞显示器,直到一个年轻的实习生告诉我,秘诀是在模块目录中“python setup.py install”。



[burnc7 (2016-06-21 15:28:49) git]# ls -l
total 1
drwxr-xr-x 7 root root  118 Jun 21 15:22 foo
[burnc7 (2016-06-21 15:28:51) git]# cd foo
[burnc7 (2016-06-21 15:28:53) foo]# ls -l
total 2
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root   93 Jun 21 15:23 foo
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  416 May 31 12:26 setup.py
[burnc7 (2016-06-21 15:28:54) foo]# python setup.py install



python /root/foo/setup.py install


cd /root/foo
python setup.py install



echo $PYTHONPATH and/or echo $PATH: when importing modules, Python searches one of these environment variables (lists of directories, : delimited) for the module you want. Importing problems are often due to the right directory being absent from these lists which python, which pip, or which easy_install: these will tell you the location of each executable. It may help to know. Use virtualenv, like @JesseBriggs suggests. It works very well with pip to help you isolate and manage the modules and environment for separate Python projects.

对我来说,它是确保模块的版本与我使用的Python版本一致。我在一个装有Python 3.6的盒子上构建了这个映像,然后注入到一个恰好安装了3.7的Docker映像中,然后当Python告诉我这个模块没有安装时,我撞了头……

Python 3.6的36m bsonnumpy.cpython-36m-x86_64-linux-gnu.so



I know, that this is very old post but I didn't find any answer that was useful in my case (I am using arch linux). I had a similar problem installing "nest_asyncio" package which was definitely installed (visible when listing all the installed packages). There is a right way for arch linux users of installing python packages (as it was already explained here by Emanuel Fontelles). In my case the solution was just to uninstall the remaining not-working package (in my case "nest_asyncio") and then installing it again using the following command:

sudo pacman - s python-"nest_asyncio .


这工作! !

这通常发生在模块安装到旧版本的python或其他目录时,不用担心,因为解决方案很简单。 - import module from模块所在目录。 你可以先导入python sys模块,然后从模块安装的路径导入

import sys
sys.path.append("directory in which module is installed")

import <module_name>