With threads: the current execution path may be interrupted or preempted at any time (note: this statement is a generalization and may not always hold true depending on OS/threading package/etc.). This means that for threads, data integrity is a big issue because one thread may be stopped in the middle of updating a chunk of data, leaving the integrity of the data in a bad or incomplete state. This also means that the operating system can take advantage of multiple CPUs and CPU cores by running more than one thread at the same time and leaving it up to the developer to guard data access.
With fibers: the current execution path is only interrupted when the fiber yields execution (same note as above). This means that fibers always start and stop in well-defined places, so data integrity is much less of an issue. Also, because fibers are often managed in the user space, expensive context switches and CPU state changes need not be made, making changing from one fiber to the next extremely efficient. On the other hand, since no two fibers can run at exactly the same time, just using fibers alone will not take advantage of multiple CPUs or multiple CPU cores.
使用超线程,多核CPU可以接受多个线程,并将它们分布在每个核上。 超标量流水线CPU接受一个线程执行,并使用指令级并行(ILP)来更快地运行线程。我们可以假设一根线被分解成在平行管道中运行的平行纤维。 SMT CPU可以接受多个线程,并将它们分解成指令纤维,以便在多个管道上并行执行,更有效地使用管道。
注意,除了线程和光纤,Windows 7还引入了用户模式调度:
User-mode scheduling (UMS) is a light-weight mechanism that applications can use to schedule their own threads. An application can switch between UMS threads in user mode without involving the system scheduler and regain control of the processor if a UMS thread blocks in the kernel. UMS threads differ from fibers in that each UMS thread has its own thread context instead of sharing the thread context of a single thread. The ability to switch between threads in user mode makes UMS more efficient than thread pools for managing large numbers of short-duration work items that require few system calls.
有关线程、光纤和UMS的更多信息,请参见Dave Probert: Windows 7内部-用户模式调度器(UMS)。
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