







1)有选择性提交的能力(例如,git add——patch)。如果您的工作目录包含多个不属于同一逻辑更改的更改,Git可以很容易地提交只包含部分更改的提交。对于Subversion,这是很困难的。



谷歌技术讲座:Linus Torvalds谈git


Git Wiki的比较页面


Git还使分支和合并变得非常容易。Subversion 1.5刚刚添加了合并跟踪,但是Git仍然更好。使用Git进行分支是非常快速和廉价的。它使得为每个新特性创建分支更加可行。哦,与Subversion相比,Git存储库的存储空间非常有效。

有趣的是: 我在Subversion Repos中托管项目,但是通过Git Clone命令访问它们。


虽然谷歌代码原生说话 Subversion,可以轻松使用Git 在开发过程中。搜索“git” Svn建议这种做法是正确的 广泛传播,我们也鼓励你 用它来做实验。


我可以分配到几个 机器,承诺和从 对他们来说 我有一个中央备份/公共svn存储库供其他人检查 他们可以自由地使用Git


Git has a 'clean' command. SVN desperately needs this command, considering how frequently it will dump extra files on your disk. Git has the 'bisect' command. It's nice. SVN creates .svn directories in every single folder (Git only creates one .git directory). Every script you write, and every grep you do, will need to be written to ignore these .svn directories. You also need an entire command ("svn export") just to get a sane copy of your files. In SVN, each file & folder can come from a different revision or branch. At first, it sounds nice to have this freedom. But what this actually means is that there is a million different ways for your local checkout to be completely screwed up. (for example, if "svn switch" fails halfway through, or if you enter a command wrong). And the worst part is: if you ever get into a situation where some of your files are coming from one place, and some of them from another, the "svn status" will tell you that everything is normal. You'll need to do "svn info" on each file/directory to discover how weird things are. If "git status" tells you that things are normal, then you can trust that things really are normal. You have to tell SVN whenever you move or delete something. Git will just figure it out. Ignore semantics are easier in Git. If you ignore a pattern (such as *.pyc), it will be ignored for all subdirectories. (But if you really want to ignore something for just one directory, you can). With SVN, it seems that there is no easy way to ignore a pattern across all subdirectories. Another item involving ignore files. Git makes it possible to have "private" ignore settings (using the file .git/info/exclude), which won't affect anyone else.