

public String getSomeString() {
  return "tadaa";

String variable = getSomeString();


function getSomeString {
   echo "tadaa"



They key problem of any 'named output variable' scheme where the caller can pass in the variable name (whether using eval or declare -n) is inadvertent aliasing, i.e. name clashes: From an encapsulation point of view, it's awful to not be able to add or rename a local variable in a function without checking ALL the function's callers first to make sure they're not wanting to pass that same name as the output parameter. (Or in the other direction, I don't want to have to read the source of the function I'm calling just to make sure the output parameter I intend to use is not a local in that function.)

解决这个问题的唯一方法是使用一个单独的专用输出变量,比如REPLY(由ev1m4chine建议),或者使用Ron Burk建议的约定。


该函数总是将返回值赋给REPLY,也可以像往常一样返回退出码 从调用者的角度来看,返回值可以分配给任何变量(本地或全局),包括REPLY(参见包装器示例)。函数的退出码是传递的,因此在if或while或类似结构中使用它们可以正常工作。 从语法上讲,函数调用仍然是一条简单的语句。


function call() { # var=func [args ...]
  REPLY=; "${1#*=}" "${@:2}"; eval "${1%%=*}=\$REPLY; return $?"

function greet() {
  case "$1" in
    us) REPLY="hello";;
    nz) REPLY="kia ora";;
    *) return 123;;

function wrapper() {
  call REPLY=greet "$@"

function main() {
  local a b c d
  call a=greet us
  echo "a='$a' ($?)"
  call b=greet nz
  echo "b='$b' ($?)"
  call c=greet de
  echo "c='$c' ($?)"
  call d=wrapper us
  echo "d='$d' ($?)"


a='hello' (0)
b='kia ora' (0)
c='' (123)
d='hello' (0)




push() {
  STACK+=( "${1}" )
pop() {
  export $1="${STACK[${#STACK[@]}-1]}"
  unset 'STACK[${#STACK[@]}-1]';


my_func() {
  push "Hello world!"
  push "Hello world2!"
my_func ; pop MESSAGE2 ; pop MESSAGE1
echo ${MESSAGE1} ${MESSAGE2}




declare [-aAfFgilnrtux] [-p] [name[=value] ...]
typeset [-aAfFgilnrtux] [-p] [name[=value] ...]
  Declare variables and/or give them attributes
  -n Give each name the nameref attribute, making it a name reference
     to another variable.  That other variable is defined by the value
     of name.  All references and assignments to name, except for⋅
     changing the -n attribute itself, are performed on the variable
     referenced by name's value.  The -n attribute cannot be applied to
     array variables.
When used in a function, declare and typeset make each name local,
as with the local command, unless the -g option is supplied...


PARAMETERS A variable can be assigned the nameref attribute using the -n option to the declare or local builtin commands (see the descriptions of declare and local below) to create a nameref, or a reference to another variable. This allows variables to be manipulated indirectly. Whenever the nameref variable is⋅ referenced or assigned to, the operation is actually performed on the variable specified by the nameref variable's value. A nameref is commonly used within shell functions to refer to a variable whose name is passed as an argument to⋅ the function. For instance, if a variable name is passed to a shell function as its first argument, running declare -n ref=$1 inside the function creates a nameref variable ref whose value is the variable name passed as the first argument. References and assignments to ref are treated as references and assignments to the variable whose name was passed as⋅ $1. If the control variable in a for loop has the nameref attribute, the list of words can be a list of shell variables, and a name reference will be⋅ established for each word in the list, in turn, when the loop is executed. Array variables cannot be given the -n attribute. However, nameref variables can reference array variables and subscripted array variables. Namerefs can be⋅ unset using the -n option to the unset builtin. Otherwise, if unset is executed with the name of a nameref variable as an argument, the variable referenced by⋅ the nameref variable will be unset.

例如(EDIT 2:(谢谢你Ron)在函数内部变量名的命名空间(前缀),以最小化外部变量冲突,这最终应该正确地回答了Karsten在评论中提出的问题):

# $1 : string; your variable to contain the return value
function return_a_string () {
    declare -n ret=$1
    local MYLIB_return_a_string_message="The date is "


$ return_a_string result; echo $result
The date is 20160817



编辑1 -(对Karsten下面的评论的回应)-我不能再在下面添加评论了,但Karsten的评论让我思考,所以我做了以下测试,工作良好,AFAICT - Karsten如果你读了这篇文章,请从命令行提供一组准确的测试步骤,显示你假设存在的问题,因为以下步骤工作得很好:

$ return_a_string ret; echo $ret
The date is 20170104



set -x
function pass_back_a_string() {
    eval "$1='foo bar rab oof'"

pass_back_a_string return_var
echo $return_var

打印“foo bar rab oof”。

编辑:在适当的地方添加引用,以允许字符串中的空白地址@Luca Borrione的评论。


set -x
function pass_back_a_string() {
    eval "$1='foo bar rab oof'"

pass_back_a_string return_var
echo $return_var

function call_a_string_func() {
     local lvar=''
     pass_back_a_string lvar
     echo "lvar='$lvar' locally"

echo "lvar='$lvar' globally"


+ return_var=
+ pass_back_a_string return_var
+ eval 'return_var='\''foo bar rab oof'\'''
++ return_var='foo bar rab oof'
+ echo foo bar rab oof
foo bar rab oof
+ call_a_string_func
+ local lvar=
+ pass_back_a_string lvar
+ eval 'lvar='\''foo bar rab oof'\'''
++ lvar='foo bar rab oof'
+ echo 'lvar='\''foo bar rab oof'\'' locally'
lvar='foo bar rab oof' locally
+ echo 'lvar='\'''\'' globally'
lvar='' globally

编辑:演示原始变量的值在函数中可用,正如@Xichen Li在评论中错误地批评的那样。

set -x
function pass_back_a_string() {
    eval "echo in pass_back_a_string, original $1 is \$$1"
    eval "$1='foo bar rab oof'"

return_var='original return_var'
pass_back_a_string return_var
echo $return_var

function call_a_string_func() {
     local lvar='original lvar'
     pass_back_a_string lvar
     echo "lvar='$lvar' locally"

echo "lvar='$lvar' globally"


+ return_var='original return_var'
+ pass_back_a_string return_var
+ eval 'echo in pass_back_a_string, original return_var is $return_var'
++ echo in pass_back_a_string, original return_var is original return_var
in pass_back_a_string, original return_var is original return_var
+ eval 'return_var='\''foo bar rab oof'\'''
++ return_var='foo bar rab oof'
+ echo foo bar rab oof
foo bar rab oof
+ call_a_string_func
+ local 'lvar=original lvar'
+ pass_back_a_string lvar
+ eval 'echo in pass_back_a_string, original lvar is $lvar'
++ echo in pass_back_a_string, original lvar is original lvar
in pass_back_a_string, original lvar is original lvar
+ eval 'lvar='\''foo bar rab oof'\'''
++ lvar='foo bar rab oof'
+ echo 'lvar='\''foo bar rab oof'\'' locally'
lvar='foo bar rab oof' locally
+ echo 'lvar='\'''\'' globally'
lvar='' globally