(Some basic code) # Use "#" after a line and use:
for more lines
# Comment Here
在PowerShell 2.0及以上版本中,可以使用多行块注释:
Get-Content -Path <# configuration file #> C:\config.ini
在PowerShell ISE中,您可以按Ctrl+J打开开始剪辑菜单并选择注释块:
# Single line comment in PowerShell
Multi-line comment in PowerShell V2+
在PowerShell V1中,只有#使注释后面的文本成为注释。
# This is a comment in PowerShell
在PowerShell V2中<# #>可以用于块注释,更具体地说,可以用于帮助注释。
#REQUIRES -Version 2.0
A brief description of the function or script. This keyword can be used
only once in each topic.
A detailed description of the function or script. This keyword can be
used only once in each topic.
File Name : xxxx.ps1
Author : J.P. Blanc (jean-paul_blanc@silogix-fr.com)
Prerequisite : PowerShell V2 over Vista and upper.
Copyright 2011 - Jean Paul Blanc/Silogix
Script posted over:
Example 1
Example 2
Function blabla
有关. synopsis和.*的更多解释,请参阅about_Comment_Based_Help。
注意:这些函数注释由Get-Help CmdLet使用,可以放在关键字function之前,或者放在代码本身之前或之后的{}内部。
Windows PowerShell 5.1.x PowerShell 7.0.x。
两个版本(或任何其他版本,你可以在WPS 3.0-5.0, PS Core 6.x。X在一些过时的站)共享相同的评论功能。
# Get all Windows Service processes <-- one line comment, it starts with '#'
Get-Process -Name *host*
Get-Process -Name *host* ## You could put as many ### as you want, it does not matter
Get-Process -Name *host* # | Stop-Service # Everything from the first # until end of the line is treated as comment
Stop-Service -DisplayName Windows*Update # -WhatIf # You can use it to comment out cmdlet switches
Everyting between '< #' and '# >' is
treated as a comment. A typical use case is for help, see below.
# You could also have a single line comment inside the multi line comment block.
# Or two... :)
A brief description of the function or script.
This keyword can be used only once in each topic.
A detailed description of the function or script.
This keyword can be used only once in each topic.
Some additional notes. This keyword can be used only once in each topic.
This keyword can be used only once in each topic.
A link used when Get-Help with a switch -OnLine is used.
This keyword can be used only once in each topic.
Example 1
You can use this keyword as many as you want.
Example 2
You can use this keyword as many as you want.
Nope, these are not allowed in PowerShell.
<# This will break your first multiline comment block... #>
...and this will throw a syntax error.
The multi line comment opening/close
can be also used to comment some nested code
or as an explanation for multi chained operations..
Get-Service | <# Step explanation #>
Where-Object { $_.Status -eq [ServiceProcess.ServiceControllerStatus]::Stopped } |
<# Format-Table -Property DisplayName, Status -AutoSize |#>
Out-File -FilePath Services.txt -Encoding Unicode
# Some well written script
Writing something after exit is possible but not recommended.
It isn't a comment.
Especially in Visual Studio Code, these words baffle PSScriptAnalyzer.
You could actively break your session in VS Code.