


Interface: It is an "existing entity" layer between the functionality and consumer of that functionality. An interface by itself doesn't do anything. It just invokes the functionality lying behind. Now depending on who the user is there are different type of interfaces. Command Line Interface (CLI) commands are the existing entities, the consumer is the user and functionality lies behind. functionality: my software functionality which solves some purpose to which we are describing this interface. existing entities: commands consumer: user Graphical User Interface(GUI) window, buttons, etc. are the existing entities, and again the consumer is the user and functionality lies behind. functionality: my software functionality which solves some problem to which we are describing this interface. existing entities: window, buttons etc.. consumer: user Application Programming Interface(API) functions (or to be more correct) interfaces (in interfaced based programming) are the existing entities, consumer here is another program not a user, and again functionality lies behind this layer. functionality: my software functionality which solves some problem to which we are describing this interface. existing entities: functions, Interfaces (array of functions). consumer: another program/application. Application Binary Interface (ABI) Here is where my problem starts. functionality: ??? existing entities: ??? consumer: ???



abi涵盖了诸如 数据类型、大小和对齐方式; 调用约定,它控制函数的实参 传递和返回检索到的值; 系统调用编号以及应用程序应该如何进行系统调用 到操作系统; 其他abi标准化细节,如 c++名字mangling, 异常传播,以及 调用约定的编译器之间在同一平台,但做 不需要跨平台兼容性。

谁需要这些细节?请不要说操作系统。我懂汇编编程。我知道如何链接和加载工作。我知道里面发生了什么。 为什么c++会出现名字混淆?我以为我们是在谈论二元的层面。为什么会出现语言?

无论如何,我已经下载了[PDF] System V应用程序二进制接口版4.1(1997-03-18)来看看它到底包含了什么。大部分都说不通啊。

Why does it contain two chapters (4th & 5th) to describe the ELF file format? In fact, these are the only two significant chapters of that specification. The rest of the chapters are "processor specific". Anyway, I though that it is a completely different topic. Please don't say that ELF file format specifications are the ABI. It doesn't qualify to be an interface according to the definition. I know, since we are talking at such a low level it must be very specific. But I'm not sure how is it "instruction set architecture (ISA)" specific? Where can I find Microsoft Windows' ABI?




你的程序没有函数,而且—— 你的程序是一个单独运行的可执行文件(即一个嵌入式系统),它实际上是唯一在运行的东西,它不需要与其他任何东西对话。


API:“这里是你可以调用的所有函数。” ABI:“这是调用函数的方法。”


Arguably the biggest and most important part of an ABI is the procedure call standard sometimes known as the "calling convention". Calling conventions standardize how "functions" are translated to assembly code. ABIs also dictate the how the names of exposed functions in libraries should be represented so that other code can call those libraries and know what arguments should be passed. This is called "name mangling". ABIs also dictate what type of data types can be used, how they must be aligned, and other low-level details.




First, the compiler inserts a little bit of assembly code to save the current address, so that when your "function" is done, the CPU can jump back to the right place and continue executing. Next, the compiler generates assembly code to pass the arguments. Some calling conventions dictate that arguments should be put on the stack (in a particular order of course). Other conventions dictate that the arguments should be put in particular registers (depending on their data types of course). Still other conventions dictate that a specific combination of stack and registers should be used. Of course, if there was anything important in those registers before, those values are now overwritten and lost forever, so some calling conventions may dictate that the compiler should save some of those registers prior to putting the arguments in them. Now the compiler inserts a jump instruction telling the CPU to go to that label it made previously (_MyFunction1:). At this point, you can consider the CPU to be "in" your "function". At the end of the function, the compiler puts some assembly code that will make the CPU write the return value in the correct place. The calling convention will dictate whether the return value should be put into a particular register (depending on its type), or on the stack. Now it's time for clean-up. The calling convention will dictate where the compiler places the cleanup assembly code. Some conventions say that the caller must clean up the stack. This means that after the "function" is done and the CPU jumps back to where it was before, the very next code to be executed should be some very specific cleanup code. Other conventions say that the some particular parts of the cleanup code should be at the end of the "function" before the jump back.

有许多不同的abi /调用约定。主要有:










定义接口:ABI, API


补丁——你根本不需要修改你的代码。这个库只是修复了一些错误。 次要-你不需要改变你的代码,因为添加的东西(开闭原则是尊重的) 重要—接口(API)已更改,您可能需要更改代码。


库使用的二进制语言(在Java情况下是定义Java字节码的JVM目标版本) 调用约定 JVM规范 链接约定 运行时约定 所有这些都是由我们使用的工具定义和管理的。






The Dalvik VM needs a different type of bytecode than the Java bytecode. The Dalvik libraries are obtained by converting the Java bytecode (with same API) for Dalvik. In this way you can get two versions of the same API: defined by the original joda-time-1.7.2.jar. We could call it joda-time-1.7.2.jar and joda-time-1.7.2-dalvik.jar. They use a different ABI one is for the stack-oriented standard Java vms: Oracle's one, IBM's one, open Java or any other; and the second ABI is the one around Dalvik.


Scala在次要的Scala版本之间不具有二进制兼容性:2。X。由于这个原因,相同的API“io。reactivex" %% "rxscala" % "0.26.5"有三个版本(将来会有更多):针对Scala 2.10、2.11和2.12。改变了什么?我现在不知道,但是二进制文件是不兼容的。可能最新的版本增加了一些东西,使得库在旧的虚拟机上无法使用,可能是与链接/命名/参数约定有关的东西。


Java在JVM的主要版本上也有问题:4,5,6,7,8,9。它们只提供向后兼容性。Jvm9知道如何运行针对所有其他版本的编译/目标代码(javac的-target选项),而JVM 4不知道如何运行针对JVM 5的代码。而你只有一个joda-library。由于有不同的解决方案,这种不兼容性变得显而易见:

语义版本控制:当库的目标是更高的JVM时,它们通常会改变主版本。 使用JVM 4作为ABI,您就安全了。 Java 9增加了一个关于如何在同一个库中包含特定目标JVM的字节码的规范。


API and ABI are just conventions on how you define compatibility. The lower layers are generic in respect of a plethora of high level semantics. That's why it's easy to make some conventions. The first kind of conventions are about memory alignment, byte encoding, calling conventions, big and little endian encodings, etc. On top of them you get the executable conventions like others described, linking conventions, intermediate byte code like the one used by Java or LLVM IR used by GCC. Third you get conventions on how to find libraries, how to load them (see Java classloaders). As you go higher and higher in concepts you have new conventions that you consider as a given. That's why they didn't made it to the semantic versioning. They are implicit or collapsed in the major version. We could amend semantic versioning with <major>-<minor>-<patch>-<platform/ABI>. This is what is actually happening already: platform is already a rpm, dll, jar (JVM bytecode), war(jvm+web server), apk, 2.11 (specific Scala version) and so on. When you say APK you already talk about a specific ABI part of your API.







你的程序没有函数,而且—— 你的程序是一个单独运行的可执行文件(即一个嵌入式系统),它实际上是唯一在运行的东西,它不需要与其他任何东西对话。


API:“这里是你可以调用的所有函数。” ABI:“这是调用函数的方法。”


Arguably the biggest and most important part of an ABI is the procedure call standard sometimes known as the "calling convention". Calling conventions standardize how "functions" are translated to assembly code. ABIs also dictate the how the names of exposed functions in libraries should be represented so that other code can call those libraries and know what arguments should be passed. This is called "name mangling". ABIs also dictate what type of data types can be used, how they must be aligned, and other low-level details.




First, the compiler inserts a little bit of assembly code to save the current address, so that when your "function" is done, the CPU can jump back to the right place and continue executing. Next, the compiler generates assembly code to pass the arguments. Some calling conventions dictate that arguments should be put on the stack (in a particular order of course). Other conventions dictate that the arguments should be put in particular registers (depending on their data types of course). Still other conventions dictate that a specific combination of stack and registers should be used. Of course, if there was anything important in those registers before, those values are now overwritten and lost forever, so some calling conventions may dictate that the compiler should save some of those registers prior to putting the arguments in them. Now the compiler inserts a jump instruction telling the CPU to go to that label it made previously (_MyFunction1:). At this point, you can consider the CPU to be "in" your "function". At the end of the function, the compiler puts some assembly code that will make the CPU write the return value in the correct place. The calling convention will dictate whether the return value should be put into a particular register (depending on its type), or on the stack. Now it's time for clean-up. The calling convention will dictate where the compiler places the cleanup assembly code. Some conventions say that the caller must clean up the stack. This means that after the "function" is done and the CPU jumps back to where it was before, the very next code to be executed should be some very specific cleanup code. Other conventions say that the some particular parts of the cleanup code should be at the end of the "function" before the jump back.

有许多不同的abi /调用约定。主要有:





让我至少回答你问题的一部分。通过一个例子说明Linux ABI如何影响系统调用,以及它为什么有用。

A systemcall is a way for a userspace program to ask the kernelspace for something. It works by putting the numeric code for the call and the argument in a certain register and triggering an interrupt. Than a switch occurs to kernelspace and the kernel looks up the numeric code and the argument, handles the request, puts the result back into a register and triggers a switch back to userspace. This is needed for example when the application wants to allocate memory or open a file (syscalls "brk" and "open").



ABI -应用二进制接口是关于运行时两个二进制部分之间的机器码通信,如应用程序,库,操作系统…ABI描述了如何将对象保存在内存中,如何调用函数(调用约定),如何修改…


Application layer - When you create an application using different languages. For example you can create application using Swift and Objective-C[Mixing Swift and Objective-C] Application - OS layer - runtime - Swift Standard Library and Swift Run Time Library[About] are parts of OS and they should not be included into each bundle(e.g. app, framework). It is the same as like Objective-C uses. Available from iOS v12.2 Library layer - Module Stability case - compile time - you will be able to import a framework which was built with another version of Swift's compiler. It means that it is safety to create a closed-source(pre-build) binary which will be consumed by a different version of compiler( .swiftinterface is used with .swiftmodule[About]) and you will not get Module compiled with _ cannot be imported by the _ compiler //or Compiled module was created by a newer version of the compiler Library layer - Library Evolution case Compile time - if a dependency was changed, a client has not to be recompiled. Runtime - a system library or a dynamic framework can be hot-swapped by a new one.

[API vs ABI] [Swift模块稳定性和库稳定性]