for i in range(0, len(ints), 4):
# dummy op for example code
foo += ints[i] * ints[i + 1] + ints[i + 2] * ints[i + 3]
while ints:
foo += ints[0] * ints[1] + ints[2] * ints[3]
ints[0:4] = []
不过,感觉还是不太对。: - /
def chunker(iterable, size, reductor, condition):
it = iter(iterable)
def chunk_generator():
return (next(it) for _ in range(size))
chunk = reductor(chunk_generator())
while condition(chunk):
yield chunk
chunk = reductor(chunk_generator())
Iterable是任何包含/生成/迭代输入数据的Iterable /迭代器/生成器,
reductor is a callable, which receives generator iterating over content of chunk.
I'd expect it to return sequence or string, but I don't demand that.
You can pass as this argument for example list, tuple, set, frozenset,
or anything fancier. I'd pass this function, returning string
(provided that iterable contains / generates / iterates over strings):
def concatenate(iterable):
return ''.join(iterable)
Note that reductor can cause closing generator by raising exception.
condition is a callable which receives anything what reductor returned.
It decides to approve & yield it (by returning anything evaluating to True),
or to decline it & finish generator's work (by returning anything other or raising exception).
When number of elements in iterable is not divisible by size, when it gets exhausted, reductor will receive generator generating less elements than size.
Let's call these elements lasts elements.
I invited two functions to pass as this argument:
lambda x:x - the lasts elements will be yielded.
lambda x: len(x)==<size> - the lasts elements will be rejected.
replace <size> using number equal to size
def group_by(iterable, size):
"""Group an iterable into lists that don't exceed the size given.
>>> group_by([1,2,3,4,5], 2)
[[1, 2], [3, 4], [5]]
sublist = []
for index, item in enumerate(iterable):
if index > 0 and index % size == 0:
yield sublist
sublist = []
if sublist:
yield sublist
from itertools import zip_longest
def grouper(iterable, n, fillvalue=None):
args = [iter(iterable)] * n
return zip_longest(*args, fillvalue=fillvalue)
grouper('ABCDEFG', 3, 'x') # --> 'ABC' 'DEF' 'Gxx'
注意:在Python 2上使用izip_longest而不是zip_longest。
def chunker(iterable, size, reductor, condition):
it = iter(iterable)
def chunk_generator():
return (next(it) for _ in range(size))
chunk = reductor(chunk_generator())
while condition(chunk):
yield chunk
chunk = reductor(chunk_generator())
Iterable是任何包含/生成/迭代输入数据的Iterable /迭代器/生成器,
reductor is a callable, which receives generator iterating over content of chunk.
I'd expect it to return sequence or string, but I don't demand that.
You can pass as this argument for example list, tuple, set, frozenset,
or anything fancier. I'd pass this function, returning string
(provided that iterable contains / generates / iterates over strings):
def concatenate(iterable):
return ''.join(iterable)
Note that reductor can cause closing generator by raising exception.
condition is a callable which receives anything what reductor returned.
It decides to approve & yield it (by returning anything evaluating to True),
or to decline it & finish generator's work (by returning anything other or raising exception).
When number of elements in iterable is not divisible by size, when it gets exhausted, reductor will receive generator generating less elements than size.
Let's call these elements lasts elements.
I invited two functions to pass as this argument:
lambda x:x - the lasts elements will be yielded.
lambda x: len(x)==<size> - the lasts elements will be rejected.
replace <size> using number equal to size
from itertools import islice
def group(it, size):
it = iter(it)
return iter(lambda: tuple(islice(it, size)), ())
这可以很容易地适应使用填充(这类似于Markus Jarderot的答案):
from itertools import islice, chain, repeat
def group_pad(it, size, pad=None):
it = chain(iter(it), repeat(pad))
return iter(lambda: tuple(islice(it, size)), (pad,) * size)
_no_pad = object()
def group(it, size, pad=_no_pad):
if pad == _no_pad:
it = iter(it)
sentinel = ()
it = chain(iter(it), repeat(pad))
sentinel = (pad,) * size
return iter(lambda: tuple(islice(it, size)), sentinel)